Tuesday, 31 August 2021



Oh how they all cruelly scoffed

When I said that I would one day

Learn the secret of invisibility

If they could only see me now, eh

Monday, 30 August 2021

The Tornado Sojourns (2) – Chapter 22 – The Strike

When they had landed on Linden the Commander addressed the five members of the Scorpions crew, who were all restrained.

“You will now be taken outside where you will wait under guard while your vessel is thoroughly searched”

“And when you find nothing I will have you lick my boots as an apology before I have you thrown out of your precious Legion Aeronautica” Maxil shouted


Prior to the arrival on a rocky plain on Linden of the Scorpion and its Legion escorts, Lyris landed the Spider Hawk on top of a cliff overlooking the plain from where Merri, Lyris, Malena, Shiyne and Parse watched the scene unfold below them through binoculars. 

They would have liked to have been there in person to witness the capture of the Ghambran’s, but they knew that as enjoyable as it might undoubtedly have been to witness at close hand the humbling of Maxil and Vint, it would not have been the wisest course of action because if it were known that they had been responsible for the Ghambran’s arrest and the subsequent shame inflicted on Prefector Collis and Ghambra as a whole, they would merely have disposed of one set of pursuers only to have them replaced by an infinite number of new ones, so they preserved their anonymity and watched from a safe distance via a lens, although they couldn’t get a clear look at the Ghambran’s from their vantage point as the Scorpion was between the watchers and the prisoners.

They did however record the images that they got, to show the rest of the crew when they returned to the Tornado.


They continued to watch as a procession of Legion personnel streamed inside the Scorpion while Commander Salmin paced up and down and after more than half an hour they were getting a little impatient.

“What on earth is taking so long?” Merri asked

“How well did you hide it Malena?”

“Not that well” Malena replied

“Perhaps we should just call the Commander and tell him were you hid it” Lyris said

“You could give him a long-range hint Shiyne” Merri suggested

“I can try” she replied, “But he’s a bit far away and he’s an intelligent man so it won’t be easy”

But she closed her eyes and tried to seek out the Commander with her mind but only moments later Merri interrupted her

“Somethings happening”

So, they all resumed their spying positions.

The Commander, who had never desisted in his pacing, had been brought to a halt by the presence of Lt Nulak who first saluted and then handed him the leather bundle.

The Commander looked at it and then asked the Lt a question, who nodded a response followed by another salute.

The commander was visibly relieved to have the prize in his hand and slapped his thigh when he thought no one was looking.

A few moments later Maxil Weltz and the other Ghambran’s appeared and were directed to where the Commander was standing.

They couldn’t hear what was said but they could get the gist.

The Commander was obviously confronting them with the evidence found aboard the Scorpion and his captives acted angrily to that evidence and it was clear that Weltz and Reganus were using some very uncomplimentary language and the former was raging and his eyes were bulging and his face changed colour.

“I think he must have a little Vann DNA in him” Lyris said “his complexion has definitely taken on a shade of cerise”

“Oh dear, he’s going to have a heart attack if he carries on” Merri added

“I think he’s safe, after all you need a heart first” Malena said

The five of them continued watching and were enjoying the view as the angry Ghambran’s were marched aboard the Legion Command ship.


After watching the Legion fleet and the Scorpion leave the surface of Linden Merri said

“Come on let’s go home”

And everyone knew what she meant because that was precisely what each and every one of them thought the Tornado was, home.

And when the Spider Hawk docked with the Tornado and they climbed down through the hatch the greeting they received from the rest of the crew was more one of relief than triumph.

But they all went to the mess room and shared one of Bagg’s excellent meals in what felt to them all like a family occasion rather than a celebration.

They saved the celebration meal for when they returned to Montrose although they did have a drink or two with Oshwin Lemik on Soman.


They should have felt guilty after effectively framing the Ghambran’s for a crime they knew full well they didn’t commit but they didn’t.

They may indeed have been innocent of the criminal, subversive and treasonable acts that landed them in court but they were not innocent, they had committed many and varied crimes and had always gotten away with them because they were under the banner of Prefector Collis’s protection.

But the charges that they faced, they had to face alone because Maxil Weltz and Vint Reganus were disowned by Prefector Collis, who chose to distance himself from his former employees fearing he might otherwise find himself in the dock for treason.

Because of the sensitive nature of the crime the trials were held “in camera” so no one on Gouveia knew how close the house of Alegionaris came to disaster.


In reward for finding the Crown Jewels Commander Salmin was made Supreme Commander for the whole of the Eikon Cluster and those aboard the Tornado, and their friends and allies felt the weight of his gratitude.

So as a result of their action to preserve the life they loved in the Cluster they actually enhanced it greatly.

And apart from no longer being pursued by hostiles, and with perpetually full cargo pods, the full complement aboard also enjoyed an abundance of love, Merri had her hunky Legionnaire Parse by her side, her best friends, Malena and Shiyne had their lovers, Zerrad and Terrell with them, Zerrad’s brother Lyris had been tamed by the member of the Gouveian Royal family among their number, Asti.

While engineers Pulsat and Vanzyl, who were magicians with all things mechanical had also found love, a love for the children of Montrose, who loved them in equal measure.

Even Visitor Parham, who tended their spiritual needs while his alter ego Bagg fortified them with his culinary prowess, had also found love in the form of his family on Montrose.

So, everything for the Tempest Class Freighter Tornado was set fare, and Captain Merionwen Strong knew that apart from a good crew, good food and a liberal quantity of love that on the Tornado’s Sojourns around the Eikon Cluster they were bound to have more adventure. 

Tuesday, 24 August 2021



The smoking of electronic cigarettes

Should only be done if you are a robot

And even then it should only happen

When it has just had sex with another robot

The Tornado Sojourns (2) – Chapter 21 – The Lure


The four Tornado crew members reversed and retraced their earlier route after successfully secreting the Gouveian Crown Jewels aboard the Ghambran’s Scorpion Cruiser and as soon as they got back aboard the Spider Hawk Merri announced

“Phase one complete”

“Excellent” Lyris said “I’ll let Oshwin know and he can initiate phase two”


The Tornado was still heading slowly in the direction of Zenden with Zerrad in the left seat and a pensive Asti Alegionaris beside him when Bagg joined them

“I bring coffee and cake” he announced

“Not for me Bagg” Asti said

“I’ll take some coffee” Zerrad said

“I’ll leave the cake anyway” Bagg said “In case you change your minds”

Eliciting no further response, he turned to go and he was just leaving the flight deck when the comms burst into life and Oshwin Lemiks voice said

“Golbolt Interstellar Soman calling Tempest Freighter”

And Asti was immediately on her feet

“Go ahead Golbolt” Zerrad responded

“Delivery complete, phase two initiated” Oshwin added and Asti squeezed Zerrad shoulder and then turned and hugged Bagg

“Message received Soman, will contact hounds”

“Tally ho” Oshwin said and then the comms went quiet.

“I’ll have that cake now” Asti said


While Asti was chomping her way through a plateful of cake, Bagg spread the good news around the remainder of the crew and Zerrad sent a coded message to Commander Salmin of the Legion Aeronautica, tipping him off about the whereabouts of the Gouveian Crown Jewels.

He sat in the pilot’s seat on the flight deck sipping his coffee and had barely taken two mouthfuls before he got a response asking for further details and coordinates, Zerrad responded with the requested information and then smiled to himself before draining his mug, then he reached for a piece of cake and found that the plate was empty. 


Oshwin watched the three men as they approached, Maxil Weltz was a tall heavy-set man while Vint Reganus was shorter and leaner and the third man was nondescript and almost anonymous.

The first two where Ghambran agents and the third was one of their henchmen.

In the gloom the group looked quite innocuous but in truth they were anything but.


“Ah still here then?” Oshwin said as the men got closer

“Apparently so” Weltz retorted curtly and walked past without making eye contact.

Oshwin ignored the snub but paused before he asked

“Do I understand from your lack of cordiality that you have still had no luck in finding the Tornado?”

Maxil bristled at Oshwins words but didn’t break stride until he added

“It would appear that I have had more good fortune than you have then”

He knew that that would get their attention and he was right as it stopped Maxil and Vint in their tracks and walked briskly towards him.

“You know where it is? Weltz barked

“I do” Oshwin replied

“Where?” Reganus demanded

“Within easy reach” Oshwin retorted

“Where exactly?” Maxil asked through gritted feet

“Well that information is going to cost, so let’s negotiate”

“Well negotiate with this” Maxil said drawing his sidearm and put the pulsar weapon to his head and then six of Oshwin’s men stepped out from the shadows and aimed their disruptors at the Ghambran’s

“It would appear that my negotiators out number yours” Oshwin said and laughed as Maxil lowered his weapon

“How much?” the heavy set Ghambran asked

“Well I’m not a greedy man, but I know you want them really bad, and I have a lot of negotiators to pay, so let’s say a twenty thousand Dinaris”

“Twenty thousand” Reganus snapped with real venom “That’s outrageous”

“If you don’t want the location, it’s of no consequence” Oshwin said “But when you change your mind the price will have doubled”

It took less than a minute for Maxil to cave.

“Ok, agreed, we will pay you when we have the location”

“Nice try” Oshwin said “you’ll get the location when I get the money”

Then he handed the smaller of the two men, Vint Reganus, a small data tablet

“Transfer the twenty thousand to the account detailed on this” he said, “When I have the money I will send you the location where you can intercept the Tornado”

Reganus snatched the tablet from Oshwin’s hand and the three Ghambran’s walked away

“It’s been a pleasure doing business with you” Oshwin said


Once the transaction had been completed Oshwin contacted Lyris from the comfort of his office

“It’s done”

“Did they pay up?” Lyris asked

“Oh yes, they want you so badly I think they would have paid treble” Oshwin said

“Well done boss” Lyris responded

“I think they will be leaving imminently” Oshwin added

“We’re ready to go” Merri said

“Ok but be careful” he warned

“We will” the Captain said


Oshwin was correct, the Ghambran’s wasted no time at all getting under way, so the Spider Hawk waited until the Scorpion Cruiser had lifted off, and then they followed at a safe distance. 


The Ghambran’s Scorpion Cruiser was a fast ship in its class but it wasn’t fast enough to outrun a Tempest Class Freighter with its powerful Plasma Turbine Pyroclast Engines so they knew that as long as the Tornado kept going they would continue to increase the distance between them, but now Maxil Weltz knew where they were going to be and so he would be there first and would hit them hard before they knew what was happening.


The Spider Hawk maintained its pursuit of the Ghambran’s and were beginning to get a little anxious as the Scorpion were getting very close to intercepting the Tornado, because although the Tornado could easily outrun the Scorpion it could not outgun it, and they were just passing Zenden’s moon Linden when Shiyne said

“I’m picking up something”

“What exactly?” Merri asked as she turned to look at her as she sat with her eyes closed as she used her telepathic gift.

“I’m not sure yet” she replied and a moment later a broad grin spread across her cerise coloured face “its them”


Asti had also picked up the Legion’s presence on the Tornados scanners but Maxil Weltz and Vint Reganus had not, as their thoughts of revenge on the crew of the Tornado had given them tunnel vision, so the first they knew that they were not alone was when they were hailed.

“This is Commander Emad Salmin of the Legion Aeronautica, cut your main engines and prepare to be boarded”

“This vessel is under the protection of Prefector Collis of Ghambra” Maxil Weltz protested “You have no jurisdiction here”

“I repeat, prepare to be boarded” the commander said again

“Negative, you have no right to board us” Weltz shouted and in response they received two low energy pulsar strikes on the hull.

“Prepare to be boarded or next time it will be the pulsar cannon” the commander threatened

“Message received, cutting engines and standing by” Weltz grudgingly said

Once they had complied the Commanders Firedart escort took up station around the Scorpion, one to Port, Starboard, Forward, Aft and two stationed above.

There were two docking rings on the Scorpion to facilitate transfers to and from the Cruiser while in space, one in the belly below the loading bay and the other was topside behind the flight deck which was also the mooring point for shuttles or ancillary craft.

Vint Reganus had killed the engines and was using the thrusters to hold the ship steady as the Legion Blaze Command vessel maneuvered into position and locked on to the belly docking ring.


When the hatch opened Maxil was waiting to greet their visitor

“This is an outrage, you have no right, this is a gross abuse of power” he said 

“When Prefector Collis gets to hear about it you’ll be lucky to get command of a backwater shuttle”

“There is no abuse, I’m am empowered to board any vessel I suspect of, criminal, subversive or treasonable acts” the Commander stated, “Now take us to the flight deck, we will be landing on Linden where you will be searched and inspected”

“This is preposterous, we are on urgent business for our government and time is of the essence” he exploded

“Are you going to comply?” Commander Salmin asked

“I am not” he retorted

“Very well” Salmin said “Lt Nulak have this man restrained”


Once on the flight deck they found Vint Reganus equally outraged and uncooperative so he too was restrained and Lt Nulak piloted the Scorpion to the surface as Commander Salmin silently prayed that he really hadn’t overstepped the mark.


When they had landed on Linden the Commander addressed the five members of the Scorpions crew, who were all restrained.

“You will now be taken outside where you will wait under guard while your vessel is thoroughly searched”

“And when you find nothing I will have you lick my boots as an apology before I have you thrown out of your precious Legion Aeronautica” Maxil shouted



The sun gifts us

With warmth and light

Endowing and sustaining

The green earth with life

Then when day is done

After the setting of the sun

The Moons silvery disk appears

Boldly bright through its phases

And stars are liberally sprinkled

Across the curtain of night

These gifts from God

Make our days complete


The Tornado Sojourns (2) – Chapter 20 – Baiting the Hook


Lyris Skeet released the mooring clamps and the Spider Hawk and the Tornado parted company.

“We have separation” Lyris said

“Let’s get it done then” Merri said and Lyris employed the thrusters and they raced towards Soman, while and the Tornado continued slowly on its original heading in the opposite direction towards Zenden with Zerrad in the left seat and a pensive Asti Alegionaris beside him.

No one aboard were comfortable with their thoughts after their comrades went their separate ways, the Sciberran Healer Terrell Vorton busied himself in the sick bay preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.

Engineers Pulsat Rad and Vanzyl exorcised their tension by working on the ship and Visitor Parham did the two things that he did best, as a man of God he prayed and as Bagg the cook he baked.


Lyris had got to know Soman very well and in particular Golbolt Interstellar Freight Distributors, and their Operations Manager, Oshwin Lemik, who was a former comrade in arms of the Skeet Brothers during the Shaxson rebellion.


Oshwin had reserved a landing space for the Spider Hawk that was adjacent to where the Ghambran’s Scorpion was parked and Oshwin had was also made sure both craft were in a very poorly lit area.

Lyris landed softly in the space provided and immediately killed the engines and the lights.


It was 3am when they disembarked from the fighter and stepped onto Soman.

There were still a few people milling around despite the lateness of the hour so Merri and the crew crept stealthily through the darkness until they had a good view of the Ghambran’s Scorpion and they concealed themselves in the shadows so as not to draw attention to themselves and waited.

This was not the first occasion that they had prepared to board that particular ship.

The last time was on Delta 500 where they boarded the ship to rescue Princess Asti Alegionaris whom the Ghambran’s had abducted.

Staying in the shadows Merri whispered to Shiyne

“How many are aboard?”

Shiyne closed her eyes and tuned her mind in and scanned the ship and after a few moments she replied


“Are Weltz or Reganus among them?” Merri asked and she closed her eyes again, it only took her seconds to scan them and reply


Maxil Weltz and Vint Reganus where the Ghambran agents who abducted the Princess on behalf of Prefector Collis.

“Right does everyone know what they have to do?” Merri asked and they all murmured a response

“Remember we have to get on and off without them knowing we were there so definitely no gun play”

The last time on Delta 500 she was shot in the thigh as they made their escape, and she winced at the memory of it and rubbed the site of the wound.

She had been looking directly at Lyris when she mentioned gun play and he retorted

“I don’t know why you’re looking at me, I didn’t shoot you”

Merri smiled at his reaction but in truth she would have been more than happy to have him at her side on any action, but his job on this mission was to stay at the controls of the Spider Hawk and be prepared for a quick getaway if necessary.

“Be safe” he said simply and slipped back to the ship

“Ok beefy” she said to Parse “I’m counting on you to save me if it goes wrong”

And before he had chance to object she kissed him and added

“Ok let’s go”

Parse remained hidden from view and was tasked with covering their retreat should they be discovered and watched Merri, Shiyne and Malena creeping from shadow to shadow.

Once they were as close to the Scorpion as they could get without breaking cover, they could see that there was one visible guard by the ramp but they knew there were others on board.

Merri whispered to Shiyne

“Go and do your thing”

Shiyne was a Vann and all of the Vann were telepaths, by varying degrees, and many of them left their home world at some point to use their gifts to earn a wage.

Those at the zenith of their talents worked as corporate negotiators or in the justice systems of the Legion. 

Shiyne was a Vann with mid-range capabilities and she could read most species to some extent, her skills were limited with the more sophisticated or complex brains, lesser minds were easier for her to explore.

In addition to reading minds she could also implant thoughts and the suggestions would stay in place longer with someone who was more intellectually challenged.

The Vann telepath closed her eyes and tuned her mind in and invaded the mind of the guard and when she had control of him she stealthily crossed the open ground and stood to one side of the ramp, then under her control he stepped towards her.

“You are very tired, you must sleep now” Shiyne quietly said to the guard

“Here on the floor”

Without showing any emotion, the guard lay down on the floor and curled up in the foetal position and immediately began to snore.

The second guard was just inside the ship so she stepped onto the ramp and Shiyne immediate took control of his mind and dealt with him in the same manner as his compatriot.

“You are very tired, you must sleep now” Shiyne quietly said

“Sit down and sleep”

With the first two guards safely dealt with she set about dispatching the third as she stood with her eyes closed and brow furrowed.

It was taking too long so Merri withdrew her sidearm thinking the worst.

“I can’t get him, he’s not as dumb as the other two” Shiyne said

“Where is he?” Merri asked

“Beyond the main cabin, in a sleeping berth” Shiyne replied

“Ok then Malena it’s your turn” Merri instructed and Malena touched the arm of the guard sleeping on the floor and she instantly transformed into the Ghambran and she was an exact copy down to every blemish and flaw, pulled thread and tarnished button.

As an Obgaronian shape shifter she could transform at will, but she could only shift into a being she had touched.

Only the briefest moment was required and then it was in her memory banks and could be recalled whenever required.

She could also manipulate that memory and add or subtract from it, for example in her everyday life she chose to take the form of a 27 year old human, whom she met on a remote mining colony when she first entered Legion space, but she chose to be the human girl and wear clothes on that form but it wasn’t necessary and that night for the mission she chose to simulate her clothes in case she needed to shift, it would have looked very odd indeed if the Ghambran guard was wearing girls clothes.

The necessity for her to shape shift was so she could get into the bowels of the vessel without raising the alarm and secrete the leather bundle containing the Crown Jewels somewhere out of sight for the Legion Commander to find later.

Once she had shape shifted she proceeded alone deeper inside the Scorpion and moved in the direction of the main cabin with Shiyne close behind her.

She had been in there before and she had in her mind’s eye the perfect place to conceal the bundle.

Shiyne scanned the room and tapped Malena on the shoulder and then she quietly opened the door and stepped inside.

As Shiyne had indicated the room was empty and Malena wasted no time in seeking out the place she had selected.

When she had encountered him in the main cabin on the last occasion she was there, Maxil Weltz was seated in his chair looking very self-important so she thought that his throne would be enhanced by the addition of some Crown Jewels, so she quickly crossed the room while Shiyne looked on from the door way.

Once she had reached Maxil’s chair she knelt before it and using her shape shifting skill she was able to flatten her hand and forearm and inserted it between the seat pad and back rest and secreted the bundle well out of sight.

Just as she was getting to her feet she suddenly heard a door open and close, followed by footsteps.

“Let’s get out of here” Malena whispered as she tiptoed out of the room and quietly closed the door, then she and Shiyne headed for the ramp where Merri was waiting with weapon drawn.

“Done?” she asked

“Done” Malena replied

“Let’s get moving then” Merri said and the three of them ran down the ramp and then crossed the open ground much less stealthily than before and re-joined Parse in the shadows.

While an adrenalin high Merri kissed a very relieved Parse, Shiyne closed her eyes and undid her handiwork on the guards and then opened her eyes again to see them wake up and stretch before they sheepishly returned to their guard duty.  

“Nice job you two” Merri said hugging her two friends “Now back to the ship”


The four Tornado crew members reversed and retraced their earlier route and as soon as they got back aboard the Spider Hawk Merri announced

“Phase one complete”

“Excellent” Lyris said “I’ll let Oshwin know and he can initiate phase two”



“Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country” is a Sci-Fi Action Adventure based on Gene Roddenberry’s original creation, screenplay written by Nicholas Meyer and Denny Martin Flinn, story by Leonard Nimoy, Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal and Directed by Nicholas Meyer.


The Klingons are forced to make peace with the Federation, following an explosion on their moon, resulting in damage to their ozone layer which could be completely depleted in as little as 50 years at which point their planet would be uninhabitable.

The Federation are eager to enter peace talks as it will mean an end to 70 years of conflict, so Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and his crew, Spock (Leonard Nimoy), Dr. McCoy (DeForest Kelley), Scotty (James Doohan), Sulu (George Takei), Chekov (Walter Koenig), Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) are called upon to help in the negotiations because of their vast experience of dealings with the Klingons.

However, things don’t quite go according to plan as on the eve of their retirement, Kirk and McCoy, are charged with, and convicted of, assassinating the Klingon High Chancellor, and are imprisoned on the snowy hard-labour penal colony of Rura Penthe.


However, the loyal Enterprise help them escape so they can thwart the diabolical plot aimed at sabotaging the last best hope for peace.


A decent Star Trek adventure with all the usual faces and a few additions, Kim Cattrall as Lt. Valeris, Mark Lenard as Sarek, Brock Peters as Admiral Cartwright, Kurtwood Smith as Federation President and Christopher Plummer as Chang.

The Tornado Sojourns (2) – Chapter 19 – The Spider Hawk Mission


It was the early hours of the morning after the crew of the Tornado discovered that Maxil Weltz and Vint Reganus, Ghambran agents in the employ of Prefector Collis, had arrived on Soman asking about the Tornado’s whereabouts.

They had a score to settle with them and the very reason that had made them move to the Eikon Cluster was to evade the Ghambran’s, but they were unanimous in their resolve not to move on again, they had found their Shangri-La and were not going to give it up without a fight and Merri had come up with a plan to rid them of their tormentors once and for all.


The plan was a simple one, which involved using the recently acquired Spider Hawk Fighter, in which Merri, Lyris, Parse, Shiyne and Malena would fly to Soman and land a safe distance away from the Ghambran’s Scorpion Cruiser, the Ghambran’s wouldn’t think twice if they saw the Spider Hawk, so once on Soman they would stealthily board the target vessel and secrete the stolen Gouveian Crown Jewels aboard the Scorpion, then they would depart with equal stealth and take off again.

Once they were back in space they would signal the Tornado and they in turn would contact, first Commander Salmin of the Legion Aeronautica informing him that they knew the whereabouts of the jewels and secondly Oshwin Lemik on Soman so that he could inform the Ghambran’s of the Tornados position, then acting as the bait the Tornado would lead the Scorpion into the warm embrace of the Legion.


It was fitting that the Spider Hawk Fighter that Lyris Skeet had acquired as the spoils of victory in a Legion sting against a ruthless villain, be used to deliver the stolen booty, which engineers Pulsat and Vanzyl had found hidden aboard, and the coup de grâce against the Ghambran agents.


Although on the outside it still looked the same as the Spider Hawk Fighters that Lyris flew against the Legion in the Shaxson rebellion it was a different story inside.

As it was no longer a war machine it was now very lightly armed so the pulsar rocket launcher which formally occupied a large proportion of the hold was now redundant so the cabin space had been extended so it could carry more than the two-man flight crew of its operational days.    

But it still meant they could only take a small party with them.

Lyris as pilot, Parse as he was the only real soldier among them, Shiyne for her telepathic skills, Malena the shapeshifter and Merri because she was the Captain and it was her plan.


Shortly before departure, Malena was in her quarters reassuring Zerrad that she would be perfectly safe

“I don’t like it” he said

“There’s nothing to worry about” she said

“I know Lyris remember” he pointed out “he’s reckless, that’s why I’m worried” 

“You also know Merri and she’s not reckless” Malena said

“And she got shot the last time you tangled with the Ghambran’s” he pointed out

“Well that’s not going to happen this time” she reassured him “Now give me a kiss”

So Zerrad complied with her demand and then watched her leave with a heavy heart.


There were two docking rings on the Tornado to facilitate transfers to and from the freighter while in space, one in the belly below the loading bay and the other was amidships above the cargo bays which was also the mooring point for shuttles or ancillary craft, and it was the latter where the Spider Hawk was moored.


Lyris Skeet was already in the corridor beneath the hatch, pacing up and down, as he was very anxious, which wasn’t normal for him, in fact it was not normal behaviour for him in any way shape or form.

His anxiety was on several levels, firstly it involved his piloting skills, it had been many years since his hot shot piloting days and he needed to be on the top of his game to land the Spider Hawk unnoticed, as close to the Scorpion as possible. 

His second concern revolved around the mission and more specifically the Gouveian Crown Jewels and a persistent nagging at the back of his mind that they may be just handing them over to the enemy.

But the crux of his apprehension was the fear that he would disappoint the beautiful, classy, well educated, feisty, funny and wicked smart, Princess Asti Alegionaris who he had fallen in love with and she with him.

So, the reformed smuggler paced up and down until his Princess appeared and strode towards him carrying the leather bundle that he knew contained the jewels.

“Don’t look so worried” she said and he instantly relaxed and felt at peace and Asti stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

“You’re my knight in shining armour remember”

When the kiss was over she handed the bundle him.

“I’ll make sure they get back to Gouveia” he said, kissed her forehead and then climbed up through the hatch and into the fighter. 

The moment Lyris disappeared through the hatch a tearful Princess Asti rushed down the corridor and out of sight a few seconds before the rest of the party arrived.

Merri was in the Vanguard, her penetrating green eyes looking straight ahead, with her head held high and the abundance of red hair trailing behind her like a mane, and immediately behind the striking figure of the proud Captain was the huge former Legionnaire Parse Sacrod, almost as broad as the corridor itself and standing 6 foot 8 high, brushing the curly burnished steel coloured hair off the ivory skin of his brow while his mercury coloured eyes could see only the figure of his Captain and lover.

Beyond them were Shiyne and Malena who were enjoying a final embrace with their respective partners, Sciberran Healer Terrell and Zerrad Skeet.

The small cerise skinned Vann telepath gave Vorton a final hug and he kissed the top of her bald head and when she turned away and headed towards the hatch her purple eyes had tears welling up in them. 

And finally, there was Malena, tall, slim, brunette hair, olive skin and hazel eyes, at least that was how she appeared but of course in reality, she was an Obgaron shape shifter, but Zerrad would have loved her in whatever form she adopted.

“I will be careful” she said, “I promise”

Then she kissed him one last time and joined the rest of the party in the Spider Hawk and closed the hatch behind her as Zerrad closed the one on the Tornado.


A few minutes later Lyris released the mooring clamps and the Spider Hawk and the Tornado parted company.

“We have separation” Lyris said

“Let’s get it done then” Merri said  

Monday, 23 August 2021


“Star Trek V: The Final Frontier” is a Sci-Fi Action Adventure based on Gene Roddenberry’s original creation, screenplay written by David Loughery, story by William Shatner, Harve Bennett and David Loughery and Directed by William Shatner.


Captain Kirk (William Shatner) and his crew, Spock (Leonard Nimoy), Dr. McCoy (DeForest Kelley), Scotty (James Doohan), Sulu (George Takei), Chekov (Walter Koenig) and Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) are aboard the newly christened Starship Enterprise, on a shakedown cruise.

But after thing go badly the put her into Spacedock for repairs and plan to go down to Earth on shore leave but an urgent mission gets in the way.

A renegade Vulcan, Spock's long-lost half-brother Sybok (Laurence Luckinbill), has taken three ambassadors’ (David Warner, Charles Cooper and Cynthia Gouw) hostage on the Planet of Galactic Peace, Nimbus III.

When they reached planet Sybok's ragtag army captures the Enterprise and force them to make the journey to the centre of the galaxy in search of the Supreme Being and if that wasn’t enough, they had attracted the attention of Klingon Captain Klaa (Todd Bryant) who had no interest in God.

Sunday, 22 August 2021

The Tornado Sojourns (2) – Chapter 18 – The Hounds Return


After leaving Eirkos they returned to base on Soman and prepared for a prolonged run around the system although it turned out they had a three day wait before departure.

And as there wasn’t too much in the way of leisure activities they got to work on some basic maintenance, cleaning and restocking.

Pulsat and Vanzyl kept the mechanical and engineering side in top shape as a matter of course so they decided to use their time on servicing the Spider Hawk Fighter that Lyris had acquired after the Achrem mission, and they soon made a startling discovery.

They had just removed the main access panel beneath the flight controls and tucked in the corner was a leather bundle that looked like it might be a tool roll and Vanzyl uttered a string of whirls whistles and clicks.

“I not know” Pulsat replied to his Kesslerian friend as he picked up the bundle.

On retrieving it he turned stiffly to address his companion, who was uttering another string of whirls whistles and clicks.

“I do it, I do it” Pulsat said to his Kesslerian friend, who was a more slender and sleek form, and he had the hint of a smile about his pursed lips and Vanzyl whistled and clicked again and Pulsat snorted.

He untied the tapes that held the bundle together and then unrolled it and when its contents were revealed Vanzyl uttered a soft whistle like a plaintive flute, then he looked at his friend and whistled again.

“We show Captain” Pulsat said and rerolled the bundle before putting it inside his jacket.


When the engineers got back aboard the Tornado they reported straight to Merri and after seeing the contents of the bundle the Captain immediately called a crew meeting in the mess room.

“So, some interesting news” Merri said “Pulsat and Vanzyl were working on Lyris’s new toy when they found something”

“Found what?” Lyris asked

“Go on Pulsat show everyone what you’ve found” the Captain said and Pulsat untied the tapes that held the bundle together and then unrolled it and there were audible gasps on seeing the array of jewels.

“My God” Zerrad said “Where did they come from?”

“Who knows” Merri said

“I do” Asti interjected

“You do?” Lyris asked

“Yes, they’re from Gouveia” Asti explained

“They can’t be” Parse said, “We would have heard, wouldn’t we?”

“You’d have heard what?” Bagg asked

“That the Gouveian Crown Jewels had been stolen” Asti said

“The Crown Jewels?” Merri exclaimed

“So that was what the Commander was so desperate to find, that’s why he was searching for Kurla, because he must have perpetrated the theft” Shiyne said

“But why?” Terrell asked, “He couldn’t possibly hope to sell them”

“Maybe that wasn’t the intention” Malena mused

“Oh God we must return them immediately” Asti said, “Before they are missed”

“What do you mean, before they are missed?” Merri asked

“The Jewels go on public display for one month every 10 years   starting on the anniversary of Legion Foundation Day” Parse said, “That’s in three months’ time”

“But there must be copies” Bagg suggested

“There are” Asti said, “But Millions of people queue up to view the Jewels, if it becomes known that the real jewels are not there it could cause a scandal that might bring down the house of Alegionaris” 

“He must have been acting on behalf of a rival House then” Shiyne suggested

“That seems the most likely answer” Asti agreed

“I’m no fan of the Legion” Lyris said “but we have no choice but to get them to Commander Salmin as soon as possible”

“Agreed” Merri said, “Does everyone agree?”

“Agreed” the crew echoed

“Ok then, Shiyne stash the jewels in the Priest Hole, Malena set course for Eikon Minor” Merri said “Pulsat, Vanzyl get the Spider Hawk ready to fly we leave within the hour”


So, with everything hurriedly stowed away the Tornado lifted off for the two-day round trip to the small Legion Garrison on Eikon Minor where they would meet with the Commander and hopefully make his day.


However, they only got half way when the Tornado had a communication from their employer on Soman.

“Oshwin Lemik calling Captain Strong”

“Strong here, what can I do for you boss” Merri responded

“Hi Merri, I thought you might like to know someone has been asking questions about you” Oshwin said “And they’re spending money while they do it”Soman calling Captain Strong on the Tornado


“Who’s asking?” Merri asked

“A couple of Ghambran’s” he replied, “Are they friends of yours?”

“Did they arrive in a Scorpion?” she asked

“Yes, they did”

“Then no they are most definitely not friends” she said

“OK, so I assume you won’t be looking for a reunion” Oshwin surmised

“That’s for sure” she replied

“What would you like me to do?” He asked

“Just give them the run around for now” Merri said

“Will do”

“Thanks boss” she said, “I’ll be in touch”


As soon as she signed off Merri immediately called another crew meeting in the mess room.

“I’m afraid I have some bad news” Merri said “the Ghambran’s are back”

“So soon?” Lyris asked

“I’m afraid so, they’re on Soman now” the Captain said

“So, what do we do?” Malena asked

“Good question” Lyris asked “Do we Move on or tackle the threat?”

“The Ghambran’s have arrived in the system much sooner than we anticipated so we have another choice to make” Merri said.

They went around the room in turn and everyone expressed a different reason for staying in the Eikon cluster, nobody wanted to leave and then Vanzyl began to click and whirl which were clearly directed at Pulsat

“Ok I speak” he said and more clicks and whirls followed

“I tell, I tell” Pulsat retorted and then explained

“We very much like Montrose”

Then more whistles and clicks

“We very much like small humans” Pulsat said “We stay”

“Well if we want to stay here then we need to get rid of the Ghambran’s once and for all?” Merri said

“Do you mean kill them?” Bagg asked

“No of course not” she replied

“Good because I couldn’t be a party to that” the Visitor said

“Don’t worry Brother what I have in mind for them is far worse than death” Merri said enigmatically

“So, what’s the plan?” Lyris asked

“Subtlety as usual” Merri said, “With a liberal helping of cunning”

“Let’s hear it then” Malena said

“We use the Legion to get rid of the Ghambran’s for us, once and for all” Merri said and when she had their undivided attention she gave them her plan in detail.

The plan was a simple one, which involved using the recently acquired Spider Hawk Fighter, in which Merri, Lyris, Parse, Shiyne and Malena would fly to Soman and land a safe distance away from the Ghambran’s Scorpion Cruiser, the Ghambran’s wouldn’t think twice if they saw the Spider Hawk, so once on Soman they would stealthily board the target vessel and secrete the stolen Gouveian Crown Jewels aboard the Scorpion, then they would depart with equal stealth and take off again.

Once they were back in space they would signal the Tornado and they in turn would contact, first Commander Salmin of the Legion Aeronautica informing him that they knew the whereabouts of the jewels and secondly Oshwin Lemik on Soman so that he could inform the Ghambran’s of the Tornados position, then acting as the bait the Tornado would lead the Scorpion into the warm embrace of the Legion.



“Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home” is a Sci-Fi Action Adventure based on Gene Roddenberry’s original creation, screenplay written by Steve Meerson, Peter Krikes, Harve Bennett and Nicholas Meyer, story by Leonard Nimoy and Harve Bennett and Directed by Leonard Nimoy.


It is the 23rd century and Admiral James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and his fugitive crew, Spock (Leonard Nimoy), Dr. McCoy (DeForest Kelley), Scotty (James Doohan), Sulu (George Takei), Chekov (Walter Koenig), Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) and Saavik (Robin Curtis), return to Earth at the same time as a mysterious alien probe.

After trying to communicate with what sounds like whale call, and receiving no response, it threatened by its actions to destroy the Earth, evaporating the oceans, and devastating the atmosphere, so Kirk and his crew must time travel back to San Francisco in 1986 to retrieve the only beings who can communicate with the probe, humpback whales.

But despite their extensive experiences in the far-off reaches of the galaxy, none of them were prepared for what they found in 1986.


A decent Star Trek adventure with an important message with all the usual faces and a few additions, Jane Wyatt as Amanda, Mark Lenard as Sarek, Brock Peters as Admiral Cartwright and the delightful Catherine Hicks as Gillian.


  Was there really a fight, Between good and evil A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away? Or is that just fiction? A writer’s fan...