Saturn VI
Iced water Titan
Largest Moon of Saturn
Dense Orange sphere
A planet like moon
Iced water Titan
Saturn VI
Iced water Titan
Largest Moon of Saturn
Dense Orange sphere
A planet like moon
Iced water Titan
Gustav Holst’s
The bringer of old age
In a state of
perpetual storm
Saturn the mighty gas
With Iconic rings of
dust and ice
An image comforting
and reliant
Saturn VI
water Titan
Moon of Saturn
Orange sphere
planet like moon
water Titan
Gustav Holst’s
The bringer of old age
a state of perpetual storm
the mighty gas giant
Iconic rings of dust and ice
image comforting and reliant
At the precise moment that Merri and Malena came under fire Shiyne sat bolt upright and gasped
“I’ve found them, they’re on the surface
and they’re in danger”
“Do you know where?” Zerrad asked, as he
had not been able to establish comms
“Not yet” she replied and closed her eyes
and tried to get a fix.
Lyris, who had been scanning for the pod in
space to no avail, stopped what he was doing when Shiyne spoke, but now didn’t
know what to do, and then Asti shouted
“I’ve got it”
“Got what?” he asked
“The transponder signal” she replied, “it’s
in the southern hemisphere”
“Co-ordinates?” he barked
“On your screen…. Now” she said and sat
back and gave a smug sigh
“Great, now I can do what I do best” he
said and changed course towards the southern hemisphere.
The Laser fire missed them by some distance
which was probably as a result of the tremor, they didn’t stand around to
debate it though and decided the best course of action was to leave the
clearing ASAP.
Merri reached the trees as another volley
of Laser fire came their way, and they were closer than the first shots, in
fact one struck the tree a foot to her left.
Once in the depths of the wood they didn’t
present such an inviting target, which was good but she became separated from
Malena, and that was bad, as they had no working comms.
After thirty minutes she could hear her
pursuers giving chase and she was tiring so they were closing in on her.
Merri could hear
them behind her clearer and clearer, yard by yard, calling loudly to each other
as they crashed through the forest.
She was beginning
to panic as she had lost her bearings and although she had been running for
half an hour she had no idea what direction she had been running in, but then
ahead of her there was the sound of rushing water.
It was a warm day and
she was sweating profusely with the exertion as she reached a wide fast flowing
She moved upstream
about 20 yards until he found an easier place to cross but she couldn’t dwell
to long as the “Lost Boys” were hot on her heels.
“This way” she
heard one of her pursuers call when she was half way across the stream and then
she lost her footing and ended up knee deep in cool water so she waded to the
other side and clambered out, a few minutes later she paused briefly by a great
“Oiy” a voice
called in a hoarse whisper
She looked around
but could see nothing and so prepared to run again
“Up hear” the
hoarse whispering voice said
She looked up and
could see nothing above her but the canopy.
“Here” the voice
And then she saw
her, it was the unmistakable smiling olive-skinned face of Malena looking down
at her and she threw down a rope, from the survival kit.
“Quick” she urged,
so Merri grabbed the rope and quickly climbed up it, and once she had safely
made it she hugged her friend and Malena quickly pulled the rope back up again.
“Thank you” she
said and settled down in the hollow crook between the oak boughs.
“Hush” Malena retorted
and settled down beside her and they sat in silence with their lasers drawn as their
pursuers were crossing the stream and by the commotion and the cursing it was
obvious than more than one of them had fallen into the water as Merri had done.
A lot of cursing
followed along with pledges to make sure she paid in pain for their
“They came this
way” one of them called
“They’re very
persistent” Merri whispered
“They must be
after your stylish boots” Malena retorted and Merri giggled
“Hush” she said
and giggled too
“I have the
transponder pin pointed” Asti said and added “But that only tells us where the
pod landed, it doesn’t tell us where they are”
“This is a recent
image of that sector” Zerrad said and they all stopped what they were doing and
studied the map, apart from Shiyne who was sitting with her back to them with
her eyes shut and after a few minutes Lyris said and pointed
“If it were me I’d
go this way”
“Cliffs” Shiyne
said abruptly
“What was that?”
Asti asked
“Cliffs” She
repeated, her body was rigidly stiff and her head was shaking,
“That’s where they
are going, to the cliffs” she almost shouted out the last word and then all the
colour drained form her cerise coloured face and she collapsed back into her
chair unconscious
“Shiyne!” Asti
called and rushed over to her
“Terrell, come to
the flight deck, its Shiyne” Lyris urged
The “Lost Boys”
blundered about in the woods around them for another hour searching for them,
until darkness began to fall and they wandered off back the way they came.
They crossed the
falls again on their return and there were more splashes and curses.
They waited until
the voices faded away and when they couldn’t hear them anymore Merri got up to
“No not yet” Malena
said, “wait for your eyes to grow accustomed to the darkness”
Merri thought for
a moment and realizing the logic of her words she sat down again.
“Well my eyes are
now accustomed to the dark, and I still can’t see a bloody thing” Merri said as
she looked down from their hiding place
“I know, I think
we should stay put until morning” Malena said, “We’re quite near the pole so the
nights are very short here”
It may have been a
short night but the frequency of tremors made it seem much longer and neither
of them got any sleep to speak of.
So, when dawn came
they were eager to make an early start and reach the cliffs as so as possible.
They had planned
to stay in the safety of the tree tops rather than risk the forest floor again
but the tremors that had plagued them all night continued to hamper them by day
and they both had near misses when the bough they were on shook so violently
they were almost thrown to the ground.
Once they had
climbed down to terra firma they weren’t much safer, as the risk of falling had
been replaced by the risk of things falling on them as the tremors grew in
They were ten
yards from the bottom of the cliffs when the shooting started again thankfully
their aim was no better than it had been the day before and this time the two
of them returned fire and in the ensuing exchange Malena killed one and Merri severely
wounded the other.
But they knew that
they would be reinforced sooner rather than later.
They both looked
at the cliffs, and although it was not a steep climb they would be very exposed
on the ascent and would be sitting ducks for the “Lost Boys”
While they were considering
their next course of action they suffered the biggest tremor since they had
been on the planet.
It was stronger,
longer and deeper and tree after tree was felled and even the cliffs slipped
and slid.
All Merri and
Malena could do was hold onto each other until it was over.
When it had
finished they looked around and saw that not only had the quake not killed them
it had thrown them a lifeline.
A large Mangium
teak had been toppled, but the 100-foot monster had not fallen to the forest
floor as many of its kin had, it had come to rest against the cliffs and provided
them a more surefooted route to the top while offering them some cover at the
same time.
“Let’s use the
tree” Merri suggested and set off at a run and Malena was right behind her.
The Mangium Teak
was of substantial size and the trunk was more the fifty feet across so getting
onto the trunk was their first challenge which was finally achieved by
scrambling up the exposed roots until they were standing upright on the trunk
of the fallen tree and then they immediately started running again and they
managed to proceed halfway up its length before the shooting started again.
But the
marksmanship was no better than it had been earlier and so they didn’t break
their stride until one shot took the heel off her left boot and she almost
fell, and she would have done too if Malena hadn’t grabbed her by the arm and
pulled her to safety behind a large bough.
They both sat down
to catch their breath and then Merri saw the damage to her favourite boots.
“Bastards” she
yelled and opened fire
Merri’s shooting
was much more accurate than her adversaries and she hit two in her first few
By that time there
were about ten “Lost Boys” shooting at them but they were all much the same
standard, but they could see more approaching and they couldn’t hold them all
off, so they had to start creeping upwards from bough to bough, but they
couldn’t shoot again as it would have given away their position.
Fortunately, the
further up the trunk they went the denser the foliage became, but the fact that
they couldn’t be seen didn’t prevent their pursuers from taking pot shots, some
of which were uncomfortably close, but it got worse once the “Lost Boys” joined
them on the tree and then they had to return fire which gave away their
position to everyone.
But thankfully
their aim didn’t improve so they managed to cautiously fight their way to the
cliff top but the posse chasing them was still swelling and no matter how many
of them they killed they just kept coming and the fuel cells on their Lasers weren’t
going to last forever.
“I’ve got an idea”
Merri said, “But it means sacrificing one of the Lasers”
“I don’t think we
have many options” Malena said
They compared
power levels on the two lasers and it was Merri’s that had the most depleted
fuel cell.
“Cover me” Merri
said and crept back among the foliage and along the trunk and crawled her way about
twenty feet along its length and about ten feet from the Cliff edge.
She carefully
placed the Laser in a spot where it would be most effective as well as being
visible to Malena.
Once Merri had
crawled back to where Malena was hiding she nodded to her friend and Malena fired
at the Laser and it instantly exploded sending a shower of debris over the
girls and the tree to the bottom of the cliff, taking the “Lost Boys” with it.
“Well that should
slow them down a bit” Merri said, “Come on”
And they ran up
the exposed slope of the cliff before the dust settled and concealed themselves
behind a rocky outcrop.
“Ok try the comms”
Merri instructed and Malena immediately complied but to no avail.
“Nothing” she said
“There’s nothing
coming back at all?” Merri asked
“No, I mean there’s
nothing going out” Malena said and shrugged off her backpack and when she had
it in front of her she sighed
“And that’s why”
she said and pointed to a blacked patch around a jagged hole
“I can’t believe
it not one of them can shoot for shit and they manage to take out the comms”
Merri said in disbelief just at the precise moment the first on the “Lost Boys”
appeared over the brow of the ridge
“Oh shit” Merri
“So, what do we do
now?” Malena asked
“I don’t know but
if you’ve got any suggestions I’m listening” she replied
“We could try
praying” Malena suggested
“Do you think that
will help?” She asked
“Well it won’t
hurt” Malena said
“That’s true, so what
would you pray for?” the Captain asked
“For the Tornado
to appear and make light work of that lot”
“That’s a good
prayer” Merri said, “but in the meantime, can you shoot someone”
“No problem”
Malena said, took aim and fired at the closest target and pulled the trigger
and ten Lost Boys fell to the ground and Malena and Merri looked at each other
in surprise, then they heard the roar of engines as the Tornado appeared above
them, with the ramp down, the deadly accurate salvo was courtesy of the forward-facing
twin Pulsar Lasers supplemented by Zerrad, Parse, and Pulsat firing from the
“I love the power
of prayer" Merri said
was in the left seat and by using every ounce of his skill and with the
Tornado’s four vertical take-off jumper engines engaged, he hovered the Tempest
class freighter a few feet off the ground while still laying down a field of
“As lovely as it’s
been, it’s time we took our leave”
Merri said
couldn’t agree more” Malena agreed and the two of them made a run for it.
Laser fire from the Tornado intensified as they crossed the twenty yards of
open ground and clambered up onto the ramp.
have them” Zerrad said “Get us out of here”
and Zerrad continued to fire as Pulsat raised the ramp and Malena added to the fire
power and then their targets disappeared as the Tornado headed for space.
Lyris, Asti and Shiyne were on the Tornado’s flight deck anxiously checking the instruments
can’t get a visual” he snapped “I’m getting nothing on any of the monitors and I
can’t get a fix on the transponder”
about comms?” Shiyne asked
Asti replied, “It’s this damn fluxing magnetic field”
about you Shiyne” he asked “are you picking up anything at all?
something, but nothing that I can latch onto” she said, “They’re just out of
they’re alive?” he asked
I’m sure of it” she replied
keep trying, I’m going to update everyone” he said solemnly
obvious where they’ve gone” he said to the assembled group in the mess room “But
we can’t get a fix on them because of the atmospherics and they’re going to a
very unhealthy environment, even if the pod landed safely and the seismic
activity doesn’t get them they still have to evade the “Lost Boys””
it was capable of supporting life Mangium was an unpredictable world and
because of its proximity to the worm hole it suffered from an unstable orbit
and a lot of seismic disturbances, as a result the indigenous peoples had long
since relocated to other worlds and the only people remaining on the surface
were the outcasts, the lawless and the desperate and it was these people that
Lyris referred to as the “Lost Boys”
if they didn’t go to Mangium?” Bagg asked
better pray that they did Brother, because if they didn’t we don’t have a hope
of finding that pod in the vastness of space without any effective instruments”
became very excitable and clicks and whirls began to emanate from him which
were clearly directed at Pulsat
I speak” he said and more clicks and whirls followed
telling, I telling” Pulsat retorted and to the group he explained
say we make better”
there were more Clicks and whirls
telling, I telling”
say he can help”
Parse asked
question provoked more Clicks and whirls
fix array”
there were more Clicks and whirls
receiver… I’m sorry I don’t know word”
was clicking a whirling very loudly in frustration because they couldn’t make
themselves understood
you mean modify” Zerrad asked “enhance the strength of the array?”
yes, exact” Pulsat said excitedly and Vanzyl uttered a soft whistle like a
plaintive flute
can do that?” Parse asked urgently and Vanzyl whistled in response
long?” he asked and the question provoked a much-prolonged response
hour’s” Pulsat translated “He must make before, then make array enhanced”
let’s get it done” Lyris said “You guys give him all the help he needs”
and Malena could tell just by the temperature in the pod that they were begin
their entry in to Mangiums atmosphere.
hope these pods are as good as the salesman promised” Merri said
they’re not you’ll never get a refund” Malena said and they both laughed
aboard the Tornado was really stressed and the tension was palpable because
they knew that with every minute that passed their shipmates were getting
further and further away from them and closer and closer to danger.
they had passed safely into the atmosphere they felt the temperature swing
dramatically the other way and then after a few moments they felt the pods
descent halt slightly as the parachutes deployed and Merri said
the gear together, we may have to hit the ground running”
they unbuckled their harnesses and took a survival backpack each from the
locker and put it on and then they strapped side arms to their thighs, knives
to their ankles and the remaining accessories were clipped to their belts and
she was sure they had everything, including headgear, Merri checked the
altimeter and said
a mile, buckle up”
impact came much sooner than they anticipated as the pod fell into a densely
forested area and there was a lot of bumping and bashing as the pod bounced and
tumbled through the tree tops before finally coming to a halt with a bump.
that was worth the money” Merri said and unbuckled her harness.
was a bright Sunny morning, Merri looked up and could see shafts of sunlight
piercing the canopy of the Forest, and then she looked down.
she exclaimed
doesn’t sound good” Malena said as she stepped out of the pod
we haven’t landed yet then”
pod had come to rest in the hollow of a very impressive specimen of Mangium
Teak which was some 30ft above the ground.
they had never shared the information with each other, neither of them were
brilliant with heights even at the best of times and neither of them fancied
climbing down.
don’t fancy that, I think we should go horizontally and work our way down
sounds like a plan” Malena said, “But which way?”
looked around and she could see the effect the seismic disturbances had had on
the forest, there was several trees either on the ground or leaning against its
neighbour and through a gap in the tree line she could just make out some rocky
they had any hope of establishing comms with the ship they would have to do it
from high ground so she pointed towards the cliffs and said
their discomfort with heights and their apprehension at climbing they found it
much easier going than they could have anticipated.
stand of Teak were quite close to each other and boughs and branches intertwined
and as is was ancient woodland the branches were quite substantial.
Merri was uncomfortable with heights for Malena it was much more severe
although she had never told her friend.
apart from the death defying heights of what was to all intents and purposes a
Tree Top Trail there were other incumbent hazards such as vine swings, and
hastily constructed bridges and all at a height of 30ft.
was not good with heights, she never had been, not that she suffered from
vertigo or had an irrational fear of being up high.
fact, she liked high places, after all you can’t get higher up than orbiting a
planet, she also liked flying Aircraft, and admiring the view from tall
buildings, that didn’t scare her, as long as there was something between her
and oblivion.
the final analysis what scared her to death was gravity and the belief that it
would at any moment pull her screaming to the ground.
she never showed it, and wouldn’t show it, not to Merri, she had to put on a
brave face for her benefit as she was in awe of her Captain and didn’t want to appear
weak to her.
over the next hour they made good progress on their tree top trek beneath the
forest canopy, as they worked their way towards the cliffs and down to the
forest floor as they went.
aboard the Tornado, Vanzyl and Pulsat were putting the final touches to the
antenna array while Lyris watched on anxiously and the rest of the crew waited
like coiled springs and the time hung very heavy.
Merri and Malena finally reached the forest floor Malena couldn’t help letting
out a loud sigh at getting back to terra firma.
you not enjoy that?” Merri asked as Malena took a deep breath
have a confession to make” Malena replied
Merri responded
would have enjoyed it more if I wasn’t scared of heights” she confessed and
Merri laughed
not funny” Malena said crossly
laughing because I was scared to death myself” Merri said and they both laughed
strode onto the flight deck whistling and whirling and Pulsat followed hot on
his heels and said
fixed, find friends now”
done you two” Lyris said and then addressed Shiyne, Zerrad and Asti
you all know what to do”
Lyris scanned for any signs of the pod floating in space. Zerrad started
broadcasting a comms signal, Asti scanned for the pod’s transponder signal and
Shiyne used her not inconsiderable telepathic skills to contact her friends.
fix mess now” Pulsat said and led Vanzyl away
and Merri were about three hundred yards short of the cliffs, which they could
just make out through the thinning foliage, so Merri thought they needed to
pick up the pace
on” she said and started running and Malena followed the Captain with her abundance
of red hair trailing behind her like a glorious mane.
only took a minute or two to catch and then overhaul Merri who was soon lagging
behind, partly because when she got up that morning and put on her boots she
was dressing to look good and not to go on a cross country run.
was not restricted by fashionable boots, and she was also, beneath the disguise,
a much more ethereal being, so running was effortless to her.
Endia was an Obgaron Shape Shifter and in her own natural Mercurial form of
liquid silver glass she looked very different to the slender brunette form that
she was more often seen as.
form she took was that of a 27-year-old human whom she met on a remote mining
colony when she first entered Legion space, that was more than 20 years earlier
and she still looked exactly the same.
with Merri lagging behind they were rapidly closing the distance on their
objective, having picked up the pace and ran flat out for the cliffs and the
route that they hoped would lead them home to the ones they loved, and then
without warning two things happened, firstly there was a severe tremor and then
they instantaneously came under fire.
Crew of the Tempest Class Freighter, Tornado, unanimously decided to leave the
Androsinian system after hearing the news that the agents of Prefector Collis
of Ghambra, Maxil Weltz and Vint Reganus were still after them, bent on
Scorpion, carrying their pursuers, was a fast ship but it wasn’t fast enough to
outrun a Tempest so as long as they kept going they would continue to increase
the distance between them.
on the morning after the decision was made everyone started the process of
getting the ship ready for a lengthier voyage than had previously been planned.
of all, Shiyne drove Bagg back into the city to increase the size of his orders
several fold, including more cured meat canned fruit and vegetables, in fact a
lot more provisions than they would normally stock.
a three-day period Pulsat and Vanzyl completed their maintenance routine and
serviced the Stroller.
and Malena meanwhile formulated a plan to work their way out of the Androsinian
System and managed to secure enough cargo to keep them working for almost two
months, culminating in them picking up three pods of Thermalium mineral ore for
delivery to Eikon Major.
else prepped, checked and tested every system and circuit aboard until four
days after they got the news about the Ghambran’s they departed Androsin Prime
and set off for pastures new.
Strong, owner and Captain of the Tempest Class Freighter, Tornado, sat in the
pilot’s seat and her friend Malena Endia sat beside her as they circumnavigated
the Ariadnean worm hole, which was equidistant between the Androsinian system
which they had departed from four months earlier, and the populous Eikon system,
which was at least a three months journey ahead of them.
was a long boring journey but a necessary one, their destination was known as
the Eikon Cluster, which was due to the high number of M class planets and
moons in the Eikon solar system.
of that it was a busy and prosperous system and one which would keep them
gainfully employed for some time to come.
had to take the long path as there were no hyperspace routes through that part
of the galaxy due to the worm hole, which was an inherently unstable
phenomenon, so there was only one option and that was to take the long way around.
as boring as the journey was, a few days later the crew would have embraced
such boredom, rather than the unwelcome excitement and adventure that replaced
day began much the same as every other day since they picked up the cargo of
Thermalium with the crew going about their duties in the usual routine.
and Malena had done the early watch and after being relieved by the Skeet
brothers made their way hastily to the mess room for one of Bagg’s epic
had just finished their satisfying repast as the Tornado was just passing the
last planet in the system, Mangium.
it was capable of supporting life Mangium was an unpredictable world and because
of its proximity to the worm hole it suffered from an unstable orbit and a lot
of seismic disturbances, as a result the indigenous peoples had long since
relocated to other worlds and the only people remaining on the surface were the
outcasts, the lawless and the desperate.
of the other hazards crossing that part of space was space debris attracted by
the pull of the Black Hole.
area was also affected by a fluxing magnetic field which could affect
communications and navigation so it was necessary to be extra vigilant when
traversing that sector of space.
debris field was a fairly predictable feature and was generally easy to avoid
but every now and then a rogue piece of space rock would follow a different
trajectory on its way to the same phenomenon.
was one such random chunk of ancient space detritus that took them by surprise
and struck the Tornado on the portside just below one of the jump engines,
buckling the skin of the hull, and although the external integrity of the
superstructure was maintained the impact caused some internal damage and ruptured
a fuel cell which caused an explosion that blew out a bulkhead on the upper
deck a few minutes after Merri and Malena had left the mess hall.
shit” Merri shouted as a tongue of flame ballooned down the corridor towards
here” Malena said, as the only way for them to escape the fire was to hide in
an escape pod and the door closed behind them just in time as fire blackened
the window.
was close” Merri said
close” Malena agreed
then there was a muted explosion and the life pod was jettisoned into space
not good” Merri exclaimed
didn’t launch it” Malena said defensively
fire must have melted the control panel and shorted out the circuit” Merri said
the transponder broadcasting?”
she replied
make yourself comfortable, the boys will be here soon to scoop us up” Merri
said reassuringly
do hope so” Malena[PC1]
said quietly
reassurance might well have been true had the “boys” been aware that the life
pod had launched, they were too busy trying to get the fire under control.
were approaching the blaze from the flight deck end of the corridor while
Pulsat and Vanzyl tackled it from the other.
rest of the crew were trapped in the mess room and were unable to contribute
anything to the firefighting effort.
took an hour before the four of them finally put the fire out and when they had
the corridor was full of noxious smoke.
need to open the valve to vent the corridor” Zerrad said and Vanzyl became very
animated, rapidly clicking and whirling.
he saying?” Lyris asked and Pulsat turned to face him before he responded
say we must vent”
just said that” Zerrad said
“we” must vent” Pulsat emphasized
“Oh ok” Lyris retorted
behind this panel” Pulsat said and pointed “I open”
don’t touch it” Lyris shouted “We need to cool it down first”
can do hot” he replied
it’s superhot” Zerrad said
Rad can do superhot” he said, “I Prinsloo”
reply was significant because the Prinsloovian’s were a reptilian race from a
searingly hot and arid world so Pulsat opened a panel and reached inside and
then turned the nob to open the valve and then there was a hissing sound as the
as the noxious fumes were vented into space.
the fire was being dealt with, Merri tried to raise the Tornado on the comms
but to no avail.
getting very close to Mangium” Malena said, “and I don’t think they’re going to
get to us in time”
think you’re right” she said and began tapping on the control panel on the
bulkhead and set the autopilot.
set it to full auto, it’ll get us safely into the atmosphere and land us on the
surface” Merri said a moment before the rockets fired.
we go, Buckle up”
soon as Pulsat had vented the corridor they turned their attention to the mess
room door which locked and sealed when the fire broke out, and because of his
tolerance to heat he opened easily.
ok?” Pulsat asked
everyone alright?” Zerrad asked as he rushed past Pulsat
fine” Bagg replied as Lyris followed his brother into the room
ok” she reassured him as she ran towards him and they hugged
happened?” Shiyne asked I couldn’t get a reading from anyone.
were hit by a large piece of rock” Lyris said “I think your inability to read
is due to our proximity to Mangium the fluxing magnetic field is messing with
our instruments which is why we didn’t see the rock coming”
he was talking he looked around the room and then asked
Malena and Merri?”
thought they were with you” Bagg replied
we haven’t seen them” Zerrad replied “I’ll go and check their quarters”
fix mess” Pulsat said and he and Vanzyl went to fix the damage.
help them” Parse offered wanting to keep himself occupied, in an effort to stop
thinking the worst
idea” Lyris said just as his brother reappeared
sign of them” he panted
everyone get searching, they may be laying injured somewhere” Lyris said and
everyone spread out, just leaving the engineers to their grimy task.
an hour later everyone was back in the mess room and as each searcher entered
they shook their head
the hell are they then?” Lyris asked
missing, pod missing” Pulsat shouted
the Skeets responded in unison
pod gone” Pulsat replied
that explains it, Shiyne, Asti, with me to the flight deck” Lyris said
get to sick bay and get ready, Zerrad and Parse help Pulsat and Vanzyl”
can I do?” Bagg asked
what you do best, cook and pray” he replied
Shiyne and Terrell the time was passing by much too quickly at the cultural
centre, amidst the museums and art galleries, enjoying the sculptures and
antiquities and they doubted they would get to see all the places that they
wanted to.
they decided to forgo lunch or refreshments, this was a tough call for Shiyne
as she had an enormous appetite for such a small being.
her appetite for culture and knowledge was even more voracious.
forgoing lunch, they managed to view all the exhibits on their list without
having to rush and they were just walking towards the main thoroughfare where
they alighted the Hover Tram when they heard a voice
is that you?”
when they turned around a smiling human was facing them.
is you” he exclaimed and stepped forward to embrace Terrell
dear Zelen” he said, “it’s wonderful to see you again so soon”
man was Zelen who Terrell considered to be a fellow journeyman and when they
both found themselves on Alwi they became very good friends.
a moment or two Terrell proudly introduced Shiyne to his friend and then there
was more embracing before Zelen said
you have time to share a glass?”
think we can make time” Terrell replied looking at Shiyne who nodded in
agreement, but she was a little uneasy as she was certain that Zelen had
something on his mind but she couldn’t quite grasp what it was.
was not mere intuition on her part because Shiyne was a Vann and all of the
Vann were telepaths, by varying degrees, and many of them left their home world
at some point to use their gifts to earn a wage.
at the zenith of their talents work as corporate negotiators or in the justice
systems of the Legion.
was a Vann with mid-range capabilities and she could read most species to some
extent, her skills were limited with the more sophisticated or complex brains,
lesser minds were easier for her to explore.
addition to reading minds she could also implant thoughts and the suggestions
would stay in place longer with someone who was more intellectually challenged.
was struggling with Zelen because although he looked like a human he was in
fact from Kelissa and Kelissan’s were very closely related to humans but had
some significant physiological differences.
of those being that they had two brains, or perhaps more accurately their
brains had two halves, much like a human brain, but in the case of Kelissan’s
the two hemispheres were unconnected which was why she was unable to get the
full picture.
conversation stalled somewhat once they were seated in a crowded bar and it
might well have continued to stall had Shiyne not said out of the blue
is troubling you”
“Yes, I was just wondering how to phrase it
without causing offense” he said
freely we are not easily offended” Terrell said
then I will begin by saying that it is believed, and you need not confirm nor
deny, but it is believed that when the Tornado left Alwi it carried a passenger
of Royal blood” he began “bound for Delta 500 and once there the said Royal
passenger or for arguments sake let’s say, Princess, took her leave of the
Tornado and her crew and was promptly abducted by Ghambran agents”
all sounds very feasible” Terrell said while Shiyne continued to scan Zelens
complex mind.
then now allow me to speak in hypothetical terms, firstly let’s say that persons
unknown mounted a rescue of the Princess, with great success, and made their
escape on a freighter after tricking the kidnappers into following the wrong
ship into hyperspace”
that all sounds very exciting” said Terrell “so is there to be a happy ending?”
is in… flux at the moment” Zelen said
the Princess was by all accounts betrothed to Prefector Collis of Ghambra” he
retorted Terrell
it appears that the Prefector is a very impatient man and although he was very
taken with the young Princess, he was not prepared to wait indefinitely and has
wed another” he explained
there is to be a happy ending then” Terrell said brightly
Zelen said ominously
Terrell asked with suspicion
seems that even if the Prefector has moved on his agents have not, and although
they no longer seek the Princess, they are hell bent on revenge for the
humiliation they endured” he said
not so good” Terrell said
at all my friend”
would be prudent then to keep some distance between the fox and the hounds” Terrell
and if I were the fox I would want to put as much distance between me and them
as possible” Zelen said
would be useful to know where the hounds are” Terrell said
I am unable to enlighten you on that matter” he responded and then added
I’m afraid I must take my leave of you”
and Terrell stood up and embraced
care my friend”
will, it’s a big Universe”
safe in it” Zelen added “And look after this beautiful you woman”
will” he replied and then Zelen and Shiyne hugged
you Zelen” she said
what do you think?” Terrell asked her once they were outside in the street
think we need to get back to the Stroller”
they got back to the Stroller the others were already aboard Shiyne and Terrell
joined them inside and then they gave an almost word for word account of the
conversation that past between them.
not good” Zerrad said
good at all” Malena agreed “let’s gets back to the Tornado and update the
back to the ship it is then” Shiyne said
the Stroller got back to the ship Shiyne reported to Merri and the Captain
immediately called a crew meeting in the mess room.
good news and bad news” Merri said, “I had hoped we might be ok for a bit
longer but apparently not”
great news that they aren’t interested in Asti anymore at least” Lyris said
“But it would have been useful to know where the Ghambran’s are exactly”
didn’t know that” Terrell said
didn’t exactly say that the Ghambran’s had lost interest in me” Asti pointed
out “He just said that the Prefector had found another wife”
you have no value to them now” Lyris said
could still take me back to Gouveia so my grandfather can offer me to someone
else in marriage” Asti said
won’t come to that” Merri said
sounds as if they aren’t going to give up looking for us though” Zerrad added
do you think Bagg?” Merri asked
have no problem in believing the Maxil Weltz and Vint Reganus would feel
sufficiently humiliated to want to hunt us all down” he replied, “However I
have two doubts, the first one is that Prefector Collis will give them
unlimited time to indulge their revenge, and second that they are close enough
to us to pose anywhere near an immediate threat”
you don’t think we are safe?” Shiyne said already knowing his answer
entirely” he replied, “So I think it would be prudent to move on to pastures
new and maintain the distance between us until they are finally recalled to
was silence for a few minutes before Malena broke it
where do we go?”
there was only silence in response until clicks and whirls began to emanate
from Vanzyl which were clearly directed at Pulsat
I speak” he said and more clicks and whirls followed
telling, I telling” Pulsat retorted and to the assemble group he explained
say Eikon cluster”
more clicks
say, plenty planets, plenty people, plenty ships, plenty cargo”
cluster” Parse mused
not a bad shout” Merri said
in plain sight” Bagg added
done Vanzyl”
well done” Merri said and Vanzyl uttered a soft whistle like a plaintive flute,
then he looked at his friend and whistled again
very big now” Pulsat said and snorted
Saturn VI
Iced water Titan
Largest Moon of Saturn
Dense Orange sphere
A planet like moon
Iced water Titan
Saturn VI
Iced water Titan
Largest Moon of Saturn
Dense Orange sphere
A planet like moon
Iced water Titan
Gustav Holst’s
The bringer of old age
In a state of perpetual storm
Saturn the mighty gas giant
With Iconic rings of dust and ice
An image comforting and reliant
Was there really a fight, Between good and evil A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away? Or is that just fiction? A writer’s fan...