I heard about the
Who wanted some space
What cheese do they serve
In the Star Wars cafeteria
Or in a galaxy far far
The answer is Boba
In Star Wars some droids are
Self-centered, like
Everything is me, me,
He should be named
Star Wars Movies were made
Out of sequence,
At the beginning, in
Of film scheduling,
Yoda was.
I prefer the more romantic view
Even if it’s not
scientifically right
That the stars in the
nocturnal sky
Are holes in the
curtain of night
I’ve always been an avid reader
I like books about
distant Galaxies
I can’t put down the
current one
It’s a great book
about antigravity
Gambling was not condoned
And using the Force
wasn’t done
However, the Jedi
Had a bet regardless
and Obi Wan
On their first mission together
Aboard the Millennium
Chewbacca made a Wookiee
When he killed Han
The Flat Earth Society
Is the subject of a major probe
As it emerged that they
Have members around the globe
If you want to have a Space party
You should get NASA to
But even if they
agree, their party,
Won’t have any
atmosphere I bet
There is a great Star Wars Special
At the salon, amid the
lotions and lacquer
Where they are doing a
wax treatment
Called the Chewbacca
sacca and cracca
Chewbacca the Wookiee
Was the victim of an
Someone has given him
An all over body wax
They are having to remake
The Ewok movie
As they now identify
As Shewoks apparently
Han Solo and Chewbacca
Were not paid for a
So, Han got straight
to the point
“You owe me one
On the Millennium Falcon
When things are a bit
With time to knock one
Which is called a hand solo
Chewbacca is dead
But he did not die in
HIs pelt made a great
To keep out the rain
If the Star Wars series
Was only just written
Luke would be a vegan
Flying the Millennial
The first man to pee
On the Moon
Was Buzz Aldrin
But in view of that
He should be called
Wizz Aldrin
Somebody once said to me
“What's E.T. short for?”
I said I really didn’t know,
Which was what he was hoping for,
“He's only got little legs” he said
Which I hadn’t thought of before
When they had landed on Linden the Commander addressed the five
members of the Scorpions crew, who were all restrained.
“You will now be taken outside where you will wait under guard while
your vessel is thoroughly searched”
“And when you find nothing I will have you lick my boots as an apology
before I have you thrown out of your precious Legion Aeronautica” Maxil shouted
Prior to the arrival on a rocky plain on Linden of the Scorpion and
its Legion escorts, Lyris landed the Spider Hawk on top of a cliff overlooking
the plain from where Merri, Lyris, Malena, Shiyne and Parse watched the scene
unfold below them through binoculars.
They would have liked to have been there in person to witness the
capture of the Ghambran’s, but they knew that as enjoyable as it might
undoubtedly have been to witness at close hand the humbling of Maxil and Vint,
it would not have been the wisest course of action because if it were known
that they had been responsible for the Ghambran’s arrest and the subsequent
shame inflicted on Prefector Collis and Ghambra as a whole, they would merely
have disposed of one set of pursuers only to have them replaced by an infinite
number of new ones, so they preserved their anonymity and watched from a safe
distance via a lens, although they couldn’t get a clear look at the Ghambran’s
from their vantage point as the Scorpion was between the watchers and the
They did however record the images that they got, to show the rest of
the crew when they returned to the Tornado.
They continued to watch as a procession of Legion personnel streamed
inside the Scorpion while Commander Salmin paced up and down and after more
than half an hour they were getting a little impatient.
“What on earth is taking so long?” Merri asked
“How well did you hide it Malena?”
“Not that well” Malena replied
“Perhaps we should just call the Commander and tell him were you hid
it” Lyris said
“You could give him a long-range hint Shiyne” Merri suggested
“I can try” she replied, “But he’s a bit far away and he’s an
intelligent man so it won’t be easy”
But she closed her eyes and tried to seek out the Commander with her
mind but only moments later Merri interrupted her
“Somethings happening”
So, they all resumed their spying positions.
The Commander, who had never desisted in his pacing, had been brought
to a halt by the presence of Lt Nulak who first saluted and then handed him the
leather bundle.
The Commander looked at it and then asked the Lt a question, who
nodded a response followed by another salute.
The commander was visibly relieved to have the prize in his hand and
slapped his thigh when he thought no one was looking.
A few moments later Maxil Weltz and the other Ghambran’s appeared and
were directed to where the Commander was standing.
They couldn’t hear what was said but they could get the gist.
The Commander was obviously confronting them with the evidence found
aboard the Scorpion and his captives acted angrily to that evidence and it was
clear that Weltz and Reganus were using some very uncomplimentary language and
the former was raging and his eyes were bulging and his face changed colour.
“I think he must have a little Vann DNA in him” Lyris said “his complexion
has definitely taken on a shade of cerise”
“Oh dear, he’s going to have a heart attack if he carries on” Merri
“I think he’s safe, after all you need a heart first” Malena said
The five of them continued watching and were enjoying the view as the
angry Ghambran’s were marched aboard the Legion Command ship.
After watching the Legion fleet and the Scorpion leave the surface of
Linden Merri said
“Come on let’s go home”
And everyone knew what she meant because that was precisely what each
and every one of them thought the Tornado was, home.
And when the Spider Hawk docked with the Tornado and they climbed down
through the hatch the greeting they received from the rest of the crew was more
one of relief than triumph.
But they all went to the mess room and shared one of Bagg’s excellent
meals in what felt to them all like a family occasion rather than a celebration.
They saved the celebration meal for when they returned to Montrose
although they did have a drink or two with Oshwin Lemik on Soman.
They should have felt guilty after effectively framing the Ghambran’s
for a crime they knew full well they didn’t commit but they didn’t.
They may indeed have been innocent of the criminal, subversive and
treasonable acts that landed them in court but they were not innocent, they had
committed many and varied crimes and had always gotten away with them because
they were under the banner of Prefector Collis’s protection.
But the charges that they faced, they had to face alone because Maxil
Weltz and Vint Reganus were disowned by Prefector Collis, who chose to distance
himself from his former employees fearing he might otherwise find himself in
the dock for treason.
Because of the sensitive nature of the crime the trials were held “in
camera” so no one on Gouveia knew how close the house of Alegionaris came to
In reward for finding the Crown Jewels Commander Salmin was made Supreme
Commander for the whole of the Eikon Cluster and those aboard the Tornado, and
their friends and allies felt the weight of his gratitude.
So as a result of their action to preserve the life they loved in the
Cluster they actually enhanced it greatly.
And apart from no longer being pursued by hostiles, and with
perpetually full cargo pods, the full complement aboard also enjoyed an
abundance of love, Merri had her hunky Legionnaire Parse by her side, her best friends,
Malena and Shiyne had their lovers, Zerrad and Terrell with them, Zerrad’s
brother Lyris had been tamed by the member of the Gouveian Royal family among their
number, Asti.
While engineers Pulsat and Vanzyl, who were magicians with all things
mechanical had also found love, a love for the children of Montrose, who loved
them in equal measure.
Even Visitor Parham, who tended their spiritual needs while his alter
ego Bagg fortified them with his culinary prowess, had also found love in the
form of his family on Montrose.
So, everything for the Tempest Class Freighter Tornado was set fare, and
Captain Merionwen Strong knew that apart from a good crew, good food and a
liberal quantity of love that on the Tornado’s Sojourns around the Eikon
Cluster they were bound to have more adventure.
Was there really a fight, Between good and evil A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away? Or is that just fiction? A writer’s fan...