Are you wearing space pants?
your virtue may be imperilled
wearing those pants
arse is out of this world
Are you wearing space pants?
your virtue may be imperilled
wearing those pants
arse is out of this world
Dwynwen Strong,
Parse Sacrod, Malena Endia, Vann telepath Shiyne and Andraxian agent Ambor Etra
were stood in the security office of the Galileo Hotel.
among the group, dressed in her official uniform of a blue skirt and jacket
with a crisp white blouse, was head of security, Stradd of the Vann, and like Shiyne she was a Telepath, as were all of
their kind, though by varying degrees, and many of them left their home world
at some point to use their gifts to earn a wage.
Those at the zenith of their talents worked as
corporate negotiators or in the justice systems of the Legion.
Shiyne was a Vann with mid-range capabilities and she
could read most species to some extent, her skills were limited with the more
sophisticated or complex brains, lesser minds were easier for her to explore.
In addition to reading minds she could also
implant thoughts and the suggestions would stay in place longer with someone
who was more intellectually challenged.
Stradd’s abilities however were much lower,
but for her job, it was only reading skills that were
required, she couldn’t scan deeply but she knew who was telling the truth and
who was lying.
was a small woman and like Shiyne and the rest of the Vann women she was
completely bald, and had cerise coloured skin and purple eyes, though she was a
good many years older than the Tornado’s navigator.
was clear that the two Vann were deep in conversation though they didn’t speak,
and this went on for almost ten minutes, until they broke their telepathic bond
and Stradd said
caught the moment of the abduction on our video scanners”
nodded towards a large screen on the wall and everyone turned around to look.
first image they saw was of Merionwen walking into the lift followed by two
humans, one tall and one small, the small one was shabbily dressed, with weasel like features, and the
other was cut from very different cloth, tall good looking and well dressed,
but they were clearly together.
reached the lift at the last possible second, just before the door closed the big man used his arm
to halt the doors progress and then the two men joined her in the lift.
The next image was
a bird’s eye view inside the lift and the door had just closed and the
good-looking man said
“It’s Miss Strong
isn’t it?”
Merionwen turned
to look at him and replied
“Yes, it is, but I
don’t know yo…”
While the
good-looking man had her attention, the small one paralyzed her with a jab to
the neck with a needle and Dwynwen gasped.
“Oh God this is
all my fault”
“Nonsense Dwyn”
Malena corrected her
“Are they known to
you?” Parse asked
“No, they’re not”
Stradd replied “But one of my people thinks they are mercenaries, he recognized
one but couldn’t recall his name”
that’s good news” Mal said
“Why is that good
news?” Dwyn asked “it sounds like terrible news to me”
“It’s good because
it means they are in it for the money” Parse explained
“If they wanted to
kill her they would have done it and left her body in the lift” Shiyne added “I
suspect they want your evidence as well, and they need her alive for that”
“Where did they go
when they left the lift?” Andraxian agent Ambor Etra asked and Stradd pressed
another button and some more footage appeared
“We tracked them
all the way through the Hotel until they went out of this exit which leads to
an alleyway” Stradd said “But I have nothing else after that I’m afraid”
“So, we have no
idea where they could have gone next” Dwyn stated
“No, but if I have
to hazard a guess as to where they took her, where they wouldn’t look out of
place, despite their differences, then I would say they’re at the Concord”
Stradd said
“We appreciate all
your help” Malena said
“Yes, thank you”
the others chorused and Shiyne and Stradd stood with brows touching while they
shared a farewell.
Once they had left
Stradd’s office they were instantly barraged with questions by the rest of the
crew and Ambor said
“Ferro and I will
see if we can track down any other footage, from outside the Hotel”
In their shabby
Hotel room, Geloc and Hatt had just finished searching Merionwen’s sedated body
and were angry as they had found nothing.
They were
searching for the data tablets that Dwynwen had secreted the damning evidence
about Captain Bersian
of the Alexandretta, two of
the Science Directorate aboard, Brenhol and Ocec and the Captain of the freighter Hollander, Ca Erdd, and the corruption.
“Can we just kill
her now?” Hatt, the little weasel of a man asked
“Of course, we
can’t you idiot” Geloc replied
“Stopping her
reaching Andraxis is only half the job, and half the money, so No we can’t kill
“Half’s better
than none” Hatt retorted
“Listen to me,
this is the biggest score we’ve had for years I’m not going to let it slip
through my fingers, so we need the tablet and then we’ll get the other half the
“Yes, but where is
it, we searched her room and now we’ve searched her and there’s no sign”
They had bribed
one of the Hotel staff to let them into Dwyn’s suite and the two of them had
searched every inch, but to no avail.
“We simply wait
for her to wake up and we ask her” Geloc said
“What if she won’t
tell?” Hatt asked
“Then we cut
chunks off her until she does” he replied
After updating
their crew mates, they all headed for the door were Merri and her abductors
were last seen but Dwynwen was stopped by Ferro and Ambor
“It looks like
Stradd was right about the Concord” Ferro said
“Great let’s go
and get her” Dwyn said
“Hold on, you
can’t go” Ambor said
“I have to” she
replied “it’s my fault”
“We are under
orders to protect you” Ferro said “and protect you we will”
“Then you’ll have
to come with us” Dwyn said “Because I’m going with them”
“Excellent idea”
Ambor said “a bit of action at last”
Once outside they made their way towards the Concord
Hotel with Shiyne stopping every 50 yards to scan for signs of Merri and after
the tenth stop Shiyne closed her eyes and tuned her mind in and scanned the
vicinity and after a few moments she smiled.
“Well?” Dwyn asked
“Yes, she’s there and she’s fine” she replied, and
they all breathed a sigh of relief
“Is she awake?” Parse asked
“No, but she’s not as heavily sedated as before”
Shiyne replied
“Can you pin point the room” Mal asked and Shiyne
tuned her mind in again and after a few minutes she said “Got it, 14th
floor room 34”
“Great let’s go get her” Parse said
“Wait a minute we need a plan, and as our chief
planner is the one that needs rescuing, it’s down to Malena to take charge as
the Tornados second in command”
Asti said, and Murmurs of approval went around the
“Wait a minute I’m not a leader” Mal protested “Second
in command is just an honorary title, Parse is far better qualified, or Lyris”
“Nonsense” Lyris said “I’m too hot headed”
“And I have too much at stake” Parse added
“Well ok then” Malena said reluctantly “but we need to
give it some thought, before we go blundering in”
“Agreed” they chorused
A dazzling array of stars
Carpet the night sky
Enlivening the heart
Merri was lying in bed semi-conscious when Dwyn walked in carrying a coffee and she said
“You’d better
drink this, you look awful”
“Thanks for that”
Merri retorted “but I’ll be fine if I get some more sleep”
“I thought you and
the crew were going out on hover buggies this morning” Dwyn added
“Not until later”
she answered sleepily “What is the time anyway?”
“Later” Dwyn
replied and after a few seconds Merri sat up in bed a look on her face like a startled
“Oh God” Merri
said with panic in her voice “I’m going to be late”
“Well only just”
she said with a smile on her face
“I need to get
dressed” she said panic stricken “I’m in the wrong room”
“Ok just take a
breath” Dwyn suggested
“That’s all very
well but what am I going to do?” she ranted and picked up her posh frock and
threw it on the bed.
“Well don’t panic
for a start” Dwyn suggested
“But I can’t walk
back to my room wearing that, everyone will think I’m doing the walk of shame”
Merri snapped
“Alright calm
yourself” Dwyn said trying to control her laughter,
“Calm down? Calm
down? It’s alright for you” she shouted “You’re not the one that’s going to
look like a tart”
“Nor are you” Dwyn
said but Merri continued her rant and then when the penny dropped
“You can wear
something of mine” Dwynwen suggested
“Yes really” she
said “I sorted some out already, they’re on the chair”
“You mean I’ve
been ranting and raving all this time for no reason?” Merri exclaimed
“That’s about the size
of it” she said
“I should thump
you, But I won’t” she said and hugged her instead
Merri dressed
quickly and said
“Ok I’m off, I’ll
quickly pop to my room and then join the others downstairs”
“Ok I’ll meet you
down there after I’ve spoken to my minders” Dwyn replied and quickly embraced
her, then Merri opened the door, and Ferro Scanner and Ambor Etra immediately
sprang to their feet.
“It’s ok” Merri
said “I’m the other one”
Ferro nodded and
opened the door and Merionwen slipped out and then walked briskly towards the
She only had to
wait for a minute or so before the door opened, and once inside she said
“Level 3”
But just before
the door closed an arm halted its progress and two men joined her in the lift,
both were humans, one was small and shabbily dressed, with weasel like
features, and the other was cut from very different cloth, tall good looking
and well dressed.
As soon as the
door closed the good-looking man said
“Its Miss Strong
isn’t it?”
She turned to look
at him and replied
“Yes, it is, but I
don’t know yo…”
Her sentence
tailed off because while “Good looking” had her attention, “Weasel” paralyzed
her with a jab to the neck with a needle.
Once Dwynwen had
finished dressing, she and her bodyguards, Ferro and Ambor left her suite and
took the elevator to the ground floor and then they walked through the busy
reception until she spotted the Tornado Crew laughing and joking in one corner,
so she headed straight for them and said
“Hello Tornadons”
“Hi Dwyn” Parse
responded, “Where’s Merri?”
“She’s not with
me” Dwyn replied “She went back to your room to change ages ago”
“I’ve just come
from the room and she’s not there” Parse retorted
“Well she should
have been” Dwyn repeated “She must have got distracted, or….”
“Or what?” Parse
asked urgently, and the rest of the group stopped their chattering, as Dwynwen
turned to gesture towards Ferro Scanner and he immediately moved towards her.
“She left MY room
this morning” she said but got no response, so she added “She looks like ME”
But still the
penny hadn’t dropped
So Dwynwen took a
deep breath and said
“She left MY room,
looking like ME, so what if someone grabbed her thinking she was me?”
“Oh God” Parse
exclaimed “What are we going to do?”
“Do we know who
might have done it?” Asti chipped in
“It could be
anyone” Ferro admitted “Mercenaries or bounty hunters, we just don’t know”
“So, what can we
do?” Lyris Skeet asked
“We can check to
see if she left the hotel” he replied and left the group to consult with Ambor
Etra and after a few moments Ambor rushed off.
Meanwhile Malena
and Shiyne exchanged a look and discreetly stepped to one side.
“Time to switch
your radar on Shiyne” Malena said, which of course
meant that Shiyne should use
her telepathic gift, because Shiyne was a Vann and all of the Vann were
telepaths, by varying degrees, and many of them left their home world at some
point to use their gifts to earn a wage.
Those at the zenith of their talents worked as
corporate negotiators or in the justice systems of the Legion.
Shiyne was a Vann with mid-range capabilities and she
could read most species to some extent, her skills were limited with the more
sophisticated or complex brains, lesser minds were easier for her to explore.
In addition to reading minds she could also
implant thoughts and the suggestions would stay in place longer with someone
who was more intellectually challenged.
But in this instance, it was her reading skills that
were required.
“Just what I was thinking” she responded and closed
her eyes, creased her cerise coloured brow with concentration and began
Malena and Shiyne’s discreet withdrawal hadn’t gone entirely unnoticed by Dwynwen so while
Ambor was checking with security and Ferro Scanner was in communication with
the Embassy she also sidled over to join Mal and the Vann and arrived just as
Shiyne said
“I’m getting
“Oh God they’ve
killed her” Dwyn exclaimed
“No, it’s not that
kind of nothing” Shiyne explained “it just means that she’s unconscious,
probably sedated”
“Are you sure?”
Dwyn asked
“She’s sure” Mal
said “It’s what she does”
“So, what can we
do?” she asked
“Keep trying”
Shiyne replied
“The problem is
that I can’t get a fix on her because of her sedation”
“Is there anything
we can do to help that?” Dwyn asked
“Yes, we can get
closer” Malena said
“Good, let’s go”
Dwyn said
“In which
direction?” Mal asked
“We need to know
which general area she might be in” Shiyne said
“Can’t we do it by
a process of elimination?”
“Sure, but it they
move her while were searching I might never find her” the telepath explained
“So, it’s
hopeless” Dwyn said resignedly
“Not if your
Andraxian’s can tell us what direction the abductors were heading in” Malena
“Then I can start
my search there” Shiyne added
“Let’s go and talk
to them then” Dwyn said and made a bee line for Ferro Scanner, who took a step
back as Dwynwen and the Tornado crew bore down on him.
Amidst the myriad stars
The bright crescent moon
Hangs in the midnight sky
And palely paints the ocean
With its gentle lunar light
planned posh frock and dinner jacket grand dining experience that the Tornados
crew were looking forward to, never happened, and was replaced by beer and
burgers in the hotel bar where Merri and Dwyn tried to make sense of the
doppelgangers in front of them and the rest of the crew watched with
fascination as Merri and her carbon copy found out about each other.
Dwynwen Strong, like Merri, was born on Earth Secundus in the Overtonis System,
but a year later than her cousin, and to Ben Strong’s younger brother Owen, and
the reason neither of them knew of the others existence was because the
brothers had a falling out when Merri was three years old, which was why Ben
Strong left the Overtonis System to work for the Garangon Mining Company, and from that moment on,
the Brothers raised their daughters in isolation and with no mention by the
fathers regarding the existence of their cousins.
At the time the
Garangon Mining Company went out of business, after inadvertently destroying
the moon they were mining, and Ben Strong kept the Tornado in lieu of payment,
Owen Strong was pursuing his own career as an archeologist, and Dwynwen
followed in his footsteps, and by the time of Ben Strong’s death, when the
Tornado passed to Merri, Dwyn was well respected Archeologist in her own right,
while her father Owen had found that his strengths lay in the halls of academe,
and was a Professor back on Earth Secundus.
Because of her
reputation in her field and a recommendation from her father, Dwyn had spent
the previous three years aboard the Alexandretta,
which was an exploration vessel, searching for all things of mineral,
zoological, agricultural and archeological interest, and she had planned to
spend a further two years aboard, but something happen and she disembarked at
the Aurora 6 space station and took a berth on the first vessel to depart in
the opposite direction which was a heavy transport called the Agamemnon,
bound for Eikon Major, a journey which took three months.
But she surprised
the whole group, including Merri, when she said that her first port of call,
after three years away and three months on the Agamemnon, was the Andraxian
Embassy in Rendon.
Dwynwen explained that
the mission brief for the Alexandretta scientists was to ascertain if planets
had ever sustained any significant civilizations in their past and gather data
by the least invasive means and document their findings, this did involve
taking samples, but again these were kept to a minimum, but when evidence
pointed to significant sites of a former sophisticated culture, and their
locations were identified, Dwynwen and her team were allowed down to the
surface to investigate further which ultimately lead to some excavations, and if
any artifacts were recovered they were again documented and packed for return
to the museum on Andraxis.
However, after
three years it came to Dwynwen’s attention after she quite by chance came
across a data packet, which contained shipping manifests, but not the ones she
had initialed, after completing the loading, but substitutes, detailing that of
all the artifacts shipped to the museum, less than half of them completed the
After further
discreet investigation she discovered that Captain Bersian of the Alexandretta, two of the Science Directorate aboard, Brenhol and Ocec and the
Captain of the freighter Hollander,
Erdd, had all signed off the falsified manifest.
She continued to
gather information until the Alexandretta docked at Aurora 6 Space Station to
take on supplies which was when she made her move and without telling a soul
aboard she gathered up her most precious belongings, and the data tablets, and
while everyone else was looking for some fun she was boarding the Agamemnon
bound for the Eikon Cluster.
“So, what now?”
Merri asked
“I have to get to
Andraxis and give evidence to the Messengis Science Congress”
“Wasn’t the
physical evidence enough?” Asti asked
“No, I have to
give a verbal account as well” she explained
“So, until you do,
you’re a target” Parse pointed out
“That’s why I have
the body guards” she replied and indicated with a nod, the two Andraxian
Agents, who couldn’t have looked any more conspicuous if they’d had signs
around their necks.
The senior agent
was Ferro Scanner, tall dark and strikingly handsome, with jet black hair and the typical
Andraxian opaque grey green skin which darkened or lightened depending on their
mood, he was physically fit, well-toned and could no doubt look after himself
and Dwynwen, his second in
command was Ambor Etra who was five foot eight with short black hair, in a pixie cut, mesmerizing
eyes and a very decent figure with a pert derriere and disproportionately large
breasts and long slender legs.
long before you leave?” Merri asked
“I have
to report to the Embassy in Rendon tomorrow night, then leave the next morning
and later that day we have to Rendezvous with an Andraxian Frigate, which will
take me all the way there” she replied
was two systems away from the Cluster in the Messengis System and the
Andraxian’s were an ancient Culture and considered themselves to be the moral
guardians of the known universe.
soon?” Merri asked
afraid so” Dwyn replied
universe can be very cruel, one day I discover I have a fully-grown cousin and
the next she’s off again” Merri said
but I know you exist now and where you are” Dwynwen said and hugged her newly
found cousin.
a prolonged hug Merri pulled herself free and discreetly wiped a tear from her
eye and said
if you’re off leaving tomorrow we need to make the best of the time we have
left so let’s get partying!”
In ones and two’s,
the rest of the crew called it a night, including Merri’s lover Parse, but
Merri and Dwynwen partied long and hard and Merri ended up crashing in Dwyn’s
It was far better
accommodation than Merri and the crew could afford, but then Dwyn couldn’t
afford it either, the only reason she was there was because it was provided by
the Andraxian Embassy where she and her body guards could stay and keep her
I see the bright stars high above me
I almost feel they are a part of me
But as each one sparkles like a gem
I know one day I will be part of them
Was there really a fight, Between good and evil A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away? Or is that just fiction? A writer’s fan...