The Eastertide festival on Marikya lasted for five days with the
greatest emphasise on the Holy Days but there were also a variety of
entertainments to distract the pilgrims, and merchants aplenty hoping to profit
from the pilgrims by tempting them to part with some of their money in exchange
for some memento of their trip.
The other group that turned a healthy profit at Festival times were
the Inn Keepers, Lodge Owners and Hoteliers who charged premium rates, but
despite the profiteering on accommodation there was never anywhere to stay,
unless you were a Visitor of high esteem such as Bagg’s brother Trebreh and
then you were invited to stay at the Visitor’s Presbytery Enclave, where the clergy could stay along with “suitable”
guests, and there was always space.
When not housing Pilgrims for the Festival it was a retreat for weary,
ailing or retired Clergy.
So Trebreh, his wife Xandra and
her brother Ale, Bagg and Wisma along with Duff Tarver and his wife Chani would
be staying in the enclave, while the rest of the Tornado crew would return to
the Tornado each night, as they were all taking it in turns to man the ship
anyway, which was only fair.
Merionwen took the first watch, though she was more intent on watching
her Gouveian lover Parse Sacrod, who she called Beefy, as he was huge in
stature, standing 6 foot 8 high, broad and powerfully built, with short curly
hair the colour of burnished steel, ivory skin and mercury coloured eyes, he
was a former Legionnaire of the Royal Guard of Gouveia and she loved every inch
of him.
For her part she was in her early thirties and best described as
statuesque, tall, straight backed, proud and was blessed with an abundance of
red hair that trailed behind her like a mane and penetrating green eyes to
stare you down with, and overall she cut a striking figure and along with her
appearance went her forthright, volatile and feisty personality.
She was owner and Captain of the Tornado, which technically belonged
to the Garangon mining company, but as they went out of business when they
inadvertently destroyed the moon they were mining, Merionwen’s father Ben kept
the Tornado in lieu of payment and it passed to her on his death.
Merri and Parse had become inseparable, and always spent the long
watches on the flight deck together, but that was normally about as close as
they got to be alone, so to have the ship all to themselves was something of a
novelty, so they made sure that they made the best use of their “alone time”.
But alas all good thing must come to an end, and in their case, it was
when Lyris Skeet’s voice came over the comms to say that the Spider Hawk was
preparing to dock.
There were two docking
rings on the Tornado to facilitate transfers to and from the freighter while in
space, one in the belly below the loading bay and the other was amidships above
the cargo bays which was also the mooring point for shuttles or ancillary
Merri had the Tornado
holding in a stationary orbit so Lyris used his thrusters to steady the Spider
Hawk as he maneuvered into position and locked on to the upper docking ring.
“There goes our “Alone time”” Merri said and gave Parse one last
lingering kiss.
Apart from Merri, the only other survivors from her father’s crew were
her co-pilot and navigator, Malena Endia and Shiyne, the latter being that rare
commodity in any crew, someone who could and would perform any task required of
them without question, but her real strength was in the role of negotiator and
as an eternal optimist.
The next day it was the turn of Malena Endia and Zerrad Skeet to crew
the Tornado, so they could have some private time which they had been looking
forward to.
Similarly, the diminutive Princess Asti with her short platinum hair,
ivory skin and silver eyes, would have preferred to keep her six-foot-tall,
broad and muscular, black haired, dark eyed boyfriend, Lyris Skeet, all to
herself, but it wasn’t their turn.
The following day would be Shiyne and Terrell Vorton, but they just
wanted to be wherever the other was, such was the depth of their love, though
they were an odd couple.
They were both the same height but that was the only thing they had in
common, he was older than her by 6 years and was stoutly built, while she was
slim, his skin was of chalk white and hers was cerise, his eyes were violet,
Shiyne’s were purple and Terrell’s hair was midnight blue and she was bald, the
other difference was that he was very quiet and she would often chatter incessantly.
Day four would be Pulsat Rad and Vanzyl, but they would spend their
time doing routine maintenance and happily play with their engines and day 5
would be when Asti got to do some far from routine manoeuvres while she put
Lyris through his paces.
So, Malena watched as the Spider Hawk headed towards the surface and
then she kissed Zerrad passionately.
Physically he and his brother were very similar and only blonde hair
and grey eyes differed from his older dark-haired brother, and his lover Malena
was a tall slim brunette, with olive skin and hazel eyes, at least that was how
she appeared, her true form was more mercurial, but Zerrad loved her in any
By day five everything was going well, on board the Tornado as Asti
had finally got Lyris alone, and on the surface, everyone was enjoying the
Festival and its associated entertainments but were nonetheless conscious that
their holiday was almost over but were determined to enjoy it to the last
But just as they were going to find somewhere to eat Wisma made a
discovery that made her dissolve into tears.
It was not normal behaviour for her as she was made of harder stuff
than that but reduced to tears she was, and it took Bagg a full ten minutes to
calm her down and find out what had upset her so much.
When she had calmed down to such an extent that she could speak she
told Bagg that her bracelet was gone and then she cried again.
The bracelet was made of Androsin Gold with an intricate design inlaid
with platinum and was a gift from Bagg to mark their first year together as a
couple, and losing it was devastating for her.
“When do you remember having it last?” Bagg asked and she furrowed her
brow as she thought about it and finally said
“No more than an hour ago”
So, they retraced their steps in the hope of finding it, but to no
“I think we should report it to the Prefects” Parse said “In case it’s
been handed in”
So Bagg, Wisma, Parse and Merri went to the Prefects office and the
others went into the restaurant and secured a table.