Monday, 4 October 2021



Han Solo and Chewbacca

Were not paid for a delivery

So, Han got straight to the point

“You owe me one Kenobi”

Sunday, 3 October 2021

The Tornado Sojourns (4) – Chapter 15 – Unwanted Attention


“Tower this is the Tempest Class Freighter Tornado requesting permission to depart” Zerrad said

“Stand by Tornado” a voice responded and then after what seemed like an age they added “You are cleared to go, please follow vector 90 to outer marker, good luck”

With the engines warmed up and clearance to depart, and with Lyris piloting and his brother Zerrad in the co-pilot seat and Asti Alegionaris looking on, the Tornado’s four vertical take-off jumper engines were engaged, and the Tempest class freighter lifted off.


The moment the Tornado left Eikon Majors atmosphere Parse Sacrod and Shiyne entered Pod 4 to release Captain Merionwen Strong, her cousin Dwynwen, Sciberran Healer Terrell Vorton and the two Andraxian agents one of whom had received a Pulsar strike on her hip and it was Terrell who was the first to speak.

“Parse get this girl to the sick bay immediately, we haven’t a moment to lose”

“I thought she was going to be ok” Malena said

“There have been complications” Merri said “Ferro needs to give her some blood”

“Ok I’ll come and assist” Malena offered


While the Tornado made steady progress towards their rendezvous safe in the hands of the Skeets, and Terrell and Mal dealt with the medical emergency, the rest of the crew went to the mess.

“What I don’t understand is why they didn’t kill me when they had a chance” Merri said “if they really don’t want you to get to Andraxis”

“Because they need the evidence” Dwyn replied “I know that they searched my rooms for it and I’d bet money that they searched you pretty thoroughly”

“So where is it?” Merri asked

“The data tablets are in the heal of my boot” Dwyn said and laughed

“So, they need to stop you reaching Andraxis and destroy the evidence” Merri said

Andraxis was two systems away from the Cluster in the Messengis System and the Andraxian’s were an ancient Culture and considered themselves to be the moral guardians of the known universe and the Tornado was heading for a rendezvous with an Andraxian Frigate which would take Dwyn and the evidence all the way to Andraxis via two Hypergates.

“Well the sooner we get you aboard the Frigate the better” Merri said but without enthusiasm.


The Tornado was not a slow vessel by any means, but the rendezvous point was a 25-hour journey at least even with the Plasma Turbine Pyroclast Engines working at maximum capacity.

But everyone aboard used the time wisely, Terrell had finished the operation on Ambor and was tending to her and a weakened Ferro in the sickbay with Shiyne to keep him company.

On the flight desk, the Skeets, Malena and Asti took it in turns in the pilot’s chair, and while Dwyn kept up the supply of coffee in the mess Merri and Parse monitored the engines and in the quiet hours they talked.


Making good time the Tempest Class Freighter Tornado closed the distance between themselves and the Andraxian Frigate and were less than three hours from the rendezvous when they came under fire.

“What the hell was that?” Merri said

“Pulsar strike” Parse replied “Get to the flight deck and I’ll man the Plasma Cannon”

“Ok Beefy, but don’t start popping off until we know what we’re dealing with” she said and kissed him before she started running and as she ran she opened comms to the flight deck

“Ok people, who’s shooting at us?”

“Not sure Captain” Lyris replied “But there are four of them, one Taipan Corvette and three Krait fighters, all unmarked, all faster more manoeuvrable and more heavily armed than we are”

“I’m on my way up, try to hail the Frigate” Merri said

“We have but they’re not responding” Zerrad retorted

“Should we open fire?”

“No, I’m betting they don’t know were armed so wait until we have one in range, fore and aft, then let them have it”

“Roger that Captain” he replied

As she approached the sick bay Shiyne was just coming out.

“Any idea who they are?” she asked

“No, I can’t get a fix” she replied “they must be shielded”

“I suspect that’s because they know we have a dynamite little Vann Telepath aboard” Merri said and hugged her

“Now go and find Dwyn and bring her here, and arm yourself, the sickbay is a good place to defend should they come aboard, though I fear they’re not interested in boarding”

“Ok Merri be careful” Shiyne said and turned on her heels and ran then Merri entered the sickbay where she found Terrell and Ferro trying to stop Ambor from getting out of bed.

“What’s going on?” she barked

“Ambor wants to rise from her sickbed and shoot something” Terrell said disdainfully “And it was such pursuits that put you in that bed in the first place”

“Well she can’t” Merri stated firmly

“But...” Ambor protested

“No buts, my ship, my rules” Merri said and Ambor sank bank resignedly, so she turned her attention to Ferro Scanner

“You on the other hand needs to get up to the flight deck and contact the Frigate, they’re not responding to our hail”

“But what about Ambor?” he asked

“She’ll be fine, now go” Merri said and as he left she followed in his wake.


On the flight deck Ferro sent a coded message to the Andraxian Frigate and received an immediate response

“Help is on the way”

“Great I just hope it gets here in time” Merri said

The Tornado had sustained a lot of minor damage from constant strikes from the three Krait fighters but was still maintaining maximum forward momentum but that might change if they were engaged by the much more powerfully armed Taipan Corvette.

“In the meantime, let’s give them a bloody nose, kill the engines”

The Tornado was armed with the twin Pulsar Lasers at the front and a rear facing Plasma cannon which was a useful weapon and was powered by the spent Plasma, which was the waste product from the Plasma Turbine Pyroclast Engines.

It was useful because it was a very unpleasant material which normal had to be vented into space within the gravitational field of a star to dispose of it safely, but the Plasma cannon disposed of it in small bites while punching a whole through any would be attackers.

The twin Pulsar Lasers were nowhere near as powerful, but they were rapid firing and deadly accurate.

As the Tornado drifted in space, Malena was sat studying the scanners, so Merri asked

“Ok, where are they?”

“We have one heading straight down our throat and two bandits in close formation on our six” Malena said

“This is it then” Merri responded and opened the comms

“Get ready Parse, you can splash the two on our tail when I give the word”

“Ready when you are Captain”

Having had no returned fire from the Tornado the Krait Fighters got complacent and made no effort to disguise the trajectory of their approach so they were sitting ducks as a result when Merri said

“Open fire”

They took the attackers completely by surprise and the sustained targeted Pulsar Laser strike tore chunks out of the Krait attacking head on and a few seconds later it exploded into a flaming patch of debris.

Meanwhile astern of them the two fighters in formation tried to break away when they saw their comrade being taken out, but Parse had the measure of them, so he opened fire immediately, taking one fighter out with the first pulse while his wing man survived until the third, and it was all over in a matter of seconds.

There was a celebratory cheer following the three Kraits being splashed but all they had really done was to hasten the participation of the Taipan Corvette into the fray, and now they had lost the element of surprise.















Friday, 1 October 2021



On the Millennium Falcon

When things are a bit slow

With time to knock one out,

Which is called a hand solo

The Tornado Sojourns (4) – Chapter 14 – Grounded


When they got back to the Tornado at the space port, after the successful rescue of Merri from the abductors at the Concord Hotel, Lyris, Zerrad, Ferro and Dwyn were waiting by the ramp and Shiyne drove straight in and Zerrad closed the ramp behind them.

As Merri decamped from the Stroller she was immediately smothered by Dwyn

“I’m so sorry”

“Don’t be silly” Merri said “it wasn’t your fault”


Parse carried Ambor into sickbay followed by Terrell, Merri, Dwyn and Ferro.

“Why does someone always get shot” Zerrad said

“Don’t worry she’s fine” Malena said and kissed him “And so am I”

Then she said

“Prepare for take-off, Lyris you’ve got the left seat, Zerrad co-pilot”

“We can’t” Lyris said

“Why not?” She asked

“We’ve been grounded for an inspection” Lyris said

“When?” Shiyne asked

“Within the hour” Zerrad replied

“Did they give a reason?” Mal asked

“They said they were looking for contraband” Lyris said

“Which means they’re looking for Dwynwen” Mal said

“Ok call the sickbay and get the ginger twins, the bodyguards and the Doc into pod 4, and let’s make sure we clean up any traces of them, in particular any green blood, or ginger hair”

“Terrell won’t be very happy” Shiyne said

“I’m sure you’ll be able to sooth him hon” Mal added


The Tornado wasn’t a huge ship as freighters go but pound for pound the Tempests had the highest freight to fuel ratio yield of their class.

The front section comprised of a sizable pressurized hold for large freight accessed via a front loading ramp, above which was the flight deck, living and sleeping quarters, mess facilities and bath rooms, at the rear was the main propulsion and amidships were the universal cargo pod bays, which allowed for a mixed cargo option, which facilitated quick inspection and loading, although sometimes pods were sealed which meant it was either very valuable or very illegal, either way Merri didn’t mind and transporting sealed cargo paid much much better.


But as they sat on the apron at the Rendon space port there was no cargo aboard and they were only carrying one pod.

The Tornado always flew with at least one pod but then that was because it was where they stowed their gear and where the hidden compartments could be found, or not, which was where they hid the contraband, or even fugitives when necessary. 


Under protest Terrell agreed to get in the pod where he tended to his patient in the cramped compartment, with Merri and Dwyn hugging each other, and Ferro holding Ambor’s hand.


When the ramp was lowered they were met by a small boarding party of 5 Port Prefects lead by an officious little man called Cluke and Malena and Shiyne were waiting to greet their visitor.

“Welcome aboard” Malena said offering her hand which he ignored

“We are here to search and inspect your vessel, Are you the Captain?” Cluke asked

“No, I’m the First Officer, Malena Endia” she said while Shiyne scanned him

“Where is the Captain?” 

“At the Galileo Hotel in Clarissoss, with some of the other crew” she said “We’re here on holiday”

“We have reason to believe you are carrying contraband concealed in your cargo” he said

“We’re not carrying any cargo” Mal said “We’re on holiday”

“Yet you lodged a flight plan with the Space Port Authority” he said “So where are you headed to with no cargo”  

“To Eirkos, to collect the rest of our crew who are staying in Montrose” Mal replied

“I see” he sneered, not believing a word she was saying

“Well I suggest you and your crew keep out of our way while the vessel is searched”  


When Cluke and the rest of his boarding party left the cargo bay Mal turned to Shiyne and said


“They’re definitely looking for Dwyn, and Cluke is very keen to get his hands on her as there is a large payoff at stake” Shiyne replied

“Well we had better ensure he leaves here disappointed” Malena said


Lyris, Zerrad, Asti and Parse had done a great job in removing any trace or either Merri, Dwynwen or Ambor Etra’s blood so the only thing they had to do was pray that they didn’t search Pod 4 too closely.

But they had a secret weapon to ensure that they didn’t in the form of Shiyne as she was a telepath.

All of the Vann were telepaths, by varying degrees, and many of them left their home world at some point to use their gifts to earn a wage.

Those at the zenith of their talents work as corporate negotiators or in the justice systems of the Legion. 

Shiyne was a Vann with mid-range capabilities and she could read most species to some extent, her skills were limited with the more sophisticated or complex brains, lesser minds were easier for her to explore.

In addition to reading minds she could also implant thoughts and the suggestions would stay in place longer with someone who was more intellectually challenged.

But she hadn’t detected anyone among the boarding party that would cause her too much of a contest.

So, she positioned herself in close proximity to Pod 4 as two of the Prefects opened the door.

Pod 4 was where they stowed all of the Tornado’s gear, and its interior was considerably shorter than a normal standard Pod because of the hidden compartment, where Merri and the others were concealed.

As the doors swung open the Vann telepath invaded the Prefects minds, simultaneously, not an easy feat, and if they had been even marginally more intelligent she would not have achieved it, but it took all of her concentration to manipulate what they were seeing into what she wanted them to see, and when they left the Pod and spoke into their comms

“All clear in the cargo pod, heading for the engine room”

Shiyne welcomed it with some relief.


Twenty minutes later she was back in the Cargo bay with Malena as a very angry and ungracious Cluke said

“Everything appears to be in order, that doesn’t mean I trust you or think you’re being honest with me, but for now you’re free to leave”

Then Mal and Shiyne watched them walk down the ramp and as soon as they were out of sight Mal said

“Get the ramp up before they change their minds”

“Aye Captain” Shiyne said and gave her a salute


When the ramp was up and sealed Shiyne asked

“Should I let them out now?”

“No let’s wait until we’ve cleared the atmosphere, just to be on the safe side, in case they come looking again, Clute didn’t seem the kind of man to give up”

“Good call” Shiyne said “But I’ll let you explain it to Merri”


“Flight deck!”

“Go ahead Mal” Lyris said

“We’ve got away with it” Malena said “Prepare for take-off, you’ve got the left seat, Zerrad co-pilot, you know where we’re headed”

“Ok Mal” he said and nodded to Zerrad

“Tower this is the Tempest Class Freighter Tornado requesting permission to depart” Zerrad said

“Stand by Tornado” a voice responded and then after what seemed like an age they added “You are cleared to go, please follow vector 90 to outer marker, good luck”

With the engines warmed up and clearance to depart, and with Lyris piloting and his brother Zerrad in the co-pilot seat and Asti Alegionaris looking on, the Tornado’s four vertical take-off jumper engines were engaged, and the Tempest class freighter lifted off.











There is a great Star Wars Special

At the salon, amid the lotions and lacquer

Where they are doing a wax treatment

Called the Chewbacca sacca and cracca 

Thursday, 30 September 2021

The Tornado Sojourns (4) – Chapter 13 – Rescue Mission


Unfortunately, the low numbers were nearest the lift, so they had to trundle the laundry cart some distance before they reached room 34 and Malena was relieved when they got there, but that was only half the job, she would have two in the trolley for the return journey.

She stopped the trolley and whispered to Shiyne

“Is it still all clear?”

And a moment later Shiyne’s muffled voice replied

“Yes, all clear”

So, using a tool Lyris had given her, she punched out the lock and the door flew open.

A few moments later she had pushed the trolley into the room safely away from prying eyes.

“We’re in” Malena said and closed the door as Shiyne sprang out from her hiding place from beneath the bedsheets, then they both drew their weapons, Shiyne checked the bathroom and then they went deeper into the room, but the sitting room was empty, so they proceeded into the bedroom and found Merri laying bound and gagged on the bed, in a state of agitation.

“It’s ok Merri we’ll soon have you out of here” Mal said and quickly loosened her gag

“What’s happened, where am I?” she asked

“You were abducted” Shiyne replied as she began untying her feet

“Why? I’m on holiday” she retorted indignantly

“It wasn’t you they were after” Mal replied and freed her hands

“That should make me feel better, but it doesn’t” Merri snapped but then the penny dropped

“Oh God is Dwyn ok?”

“Yes, she’s fine, we’ve got her on the Tornado” Mal replied

“Thank God” Merri exclaimed and then the three friends hugged.


“Right let’s get out of here” Shiyne said and climbed into the trolley

“What are you doing in there?” Merri asked

“Its part of the plan” Mal snapped “So shut up and get in”

“Ok bossy”

It was a bit of a squeeze with two of them in the transportation and it was necessary to discard some of the laundry to accommodate them.

With them safely concealed Mal said into her comms

“Mal calling Tornadons, we have the Captain, leaving the room now”

It was much harder work pushing the Tornado’s Captain and Navigator but Mal managed, though she made slower progress, then as they were about half way to the first corner three men came around it in the other direction, and two of them they knew.  

The one in front was the tall, good looking and well-dressed abductor, named Geloc, and behind him was the little weasel of a man called Hatt, while the third man was a stranger, but they were clearly together.

They passed Malena without even a sideways glance, as she suspected they would, because no one pays attention to Melmanc’s pushing laundry trolleys.

However, when they reached the room and found the lock smashed they might view her in a different light so she tried to increase the pace, and failed, but nonetheless she was a trolley length away when all hell broke loose, as the three abductors on discovering Merri was missing began shouting and two of them charged along the corridor towards them.

“Ok, everybody out” she shouted and tipped the trolley on end so Merri and Shiyne tumbled out on to the floor.

“Hey what’s going on” Merri asked

“Bad guys chasing us, that’s what’s going on” Mal replied as she blocked the corridor with the up turned trolley.

“A bit of notice would have been nice” She retorted

“Never mind that just get to your feet and run” Mal urged then she said “Asti! Ambor! We’ve got company”

“Ok we’re on our way” Ambor replied


When Merri and Shiyne reached the second corner Asti and the Andraxian were in position to give them covering fire if necessary.

“Keep going, get to the lift” Ambor urged them


Some distance behind them was Mal, who was struggling to cover the ground, so she shape shifted back into human form, as it turned out that Melmanc’s can’t run very fast, and in her more familiar form she was able to cover the ground much quicker and but no sooner had she reached the corner when a pulsar laser burst passed uncomfortably close to her head striking the wall,

“Keep going” Asti said, and Malena ran for the safely of the lift and got there only half a minute behind Merri and Shiyne.

It the meantime Asti and Ambor had begun returning fire at two assailants one they recognized from the security footage as the weaselly looking man, Hatt, the other one was similarly dressed but was not the second man who took part in the abduction.

The second man was crouching down in a doorway, but Asti hit him three times in quick succession, arm, shoulder and neck and he slumped against the door dead.

“Ok fall back to the lift and I’ll cover you” Ambor said and Asti nodded in response but as soon as Asti made a sprint for the lift Ambor took a Pulsar strike to the hip, and let out a yell, but she managed to turn as she fell to the floor so she was still facing the weasel and was able to get off two shots before Hatt was able to fire again, and they struck him square in the chest, and with the power of the double strike he was thrown backwards, his face contorted in agony, and his second shot hit the ceiling, but he was dead before he hit the floor.

On hearing Ambor yelp in pain Asti halted her retreat and went back to help her, and Mal left Merri in the lift to do the same   

Merri had also stepped forward and was watching intently as Mal and Asti got the stricken Ambor to her feet.

But just as she began to take another step she felt someone grab her arm.

“Oh no you don’t” Geloc said and Merri turned to face him and the realization that he was the abductor spread across her brain and she hit him with a knee strike to the groin, twice, in quick succession and he crumpled to the floor and writhed around in the fetal position groaning.

Meanwhile Malena and Asti were carrying Ambor towards the lift, so she looked down at her captor and said with contempt

“Have some dignity you pathetic moron”

Then Merri stepped on him, even though she didn’t need too to get back in the lift.


As the lift doors closed Malena opened her comms

“Malena to Stroller, Malena to Stroller”

“Receiving Mal” Parse said

“Pick us up from the basement vehicle park” she said “And tell Terrell to have his medical kit ready”

“What’s happened?” he asked, praying that nothing had happened to his beloved Merionwen  

“It’s Ambor, she has a Pulsar strike on her hip,” Malena said as she looked down at the stricken Andraxian and the large green sodden stain on her side “she losing a bit of blood, so quick as you can”

“Ok we’re on our way” Parse said “Stroller out”    


The Journey down to the basement parking level seemed to take an eternity but in reality, it took no time at all and when the car came to a stop and the doors opened the Stroller was just screeching to a halt.

Parse jumped down from the driver’s seat and ran towards them, resisting the temptation to hug and kiss Merri he said

“You drive Shiyne, I’ll take her” and the huge Gouveian scooped the semi-conscious Ambor up in his arms and ran with her to the Stroller.


When everyone was aboard the Stroller, Malena said

“Ok let’s move it” so Shiyne floored it and Terrell began attending to the wound on Ambor’s hip and she winced with pain as Terrell cut the fabric away.

“How is it?” Malena asked

“Not too bad” Terrell said “it’s a nice clean wound, but I’d prefer to get her straight to sickbay when we get aboard”

And as they sped towards the space port Merri cuddled up to Parse and said “I love you Beefy”



Sunday, 5 September 2021

The Tornado Sojourns (4) – Chapter 12 – The Concord


Dwynwen Strong and the Tornado Crew were a discreet distance from the Concord Hotel where Merionwen was being held prisoner and exchanged ideas on the best plan to rescue her for about forty minutes before Malena and Shiyne exchanged thoughts and the former said

“Ok the plan is this”   

Malena went on to explain

“Lyris and Zerrad you take Dwynwen back to the Tornado and get the ship ready to leave, which we might need to do in a hurry”

Parse, Terrel and Ferro will go with you, Parse get the Stroller equipped, you know what we need, comms and Pulsar Lasers, the small concealable ones not the cannons, Terrel, get your medical kit just in case, and then get back here double quick, Ferro, you know what you need to do.


While they waited for the Stroller to arrive, Malena Endia, Shiyne, Asti Alegionaris and Ambor Etra kept the Hotel under surveillance and discussed in more detail how they were going to execute the plan.

They looked an unusual quartet, Malena in the human form of a tall slim brunette, with olive skin and hazel eyes, giving no hint of her feelings of anxiousness, the tiny figure of Shiyne who was completely bald, with cerise coloured skin and purple eyes, which were closed as she scanned the Hotel again, Asti’s slight figure, only five foot tall, with short platinum hair, ivory skin and silver eyes, who was looking about her furtively, and the assured figure of the Andraxian, Ambor, with jet black hair and the typical Andraxian opaque grey green skin which darkened or lightened depending on their mood, as she was in a heightened state of excitement she was luminescing.   


Apart from surveillance they also started to prepare for the rescue and the first thing they had to do was to secure a laundry trolley because Mal was going to change into a Melmanc and push the trolley with Shiyne hidden inside because no one would look twice at a Melmanc pushing a laundry trolley.

Melmanc’s were a race of Dwarfs, immensely strong with an unquenchable work ethic, and there wasn’t a Hotel in Clarissoss that didn’t employ Melmanc’s.

Malena was an Obgaron shape shifter, and in her natural Mercurial form of liquid silver glass she looked very different to the tall slim brunette human, and even more so to the Melmanc she was going to become.

As an Obgaron shape shifter she could transform at will, but she could only shift into a being she had touched.

Only the briefest moment was required and then it was in her memory banks and could be recalled when required.

She could also manipulate that memory and add or subtract from it for example in her everyday life she chose to take the form of a 27 year old human whom she met on a remote mining colony when she first entered Legion space, but she chose to be the human girl and wear clothes on that form but it wasn’t necessary and for the rescue mission she chose to simulate her clothes in case she needed to shift, it would have looked very odd indeed if the Melmanc, who were very drab dressers, was wearing her clothes.

So, the first thing Malena did when Parse pulled up in the Stroller was to go inside and remove her clothes.


Once the rescue party were armed they left Parse and Terrell aboard the stroller and headed for the Hotel and once safely inside they went to a quiet spot were Malena transformed.

“Ok let’s go” she said as they left their place of safety and a few moments later they had recovered the earlier acquired laundry trolley.

“What a brilliant idea” Asti said “I’m not sure even Merri would have thought of that”

“I’m sure she would” Malena said “get in Shiyne”

The Vann telepath sat in the laundry trolley completely covered by a bedsheet, apart from her cerise fingers which were gripping the edge of the trolley and the top of her head, as she peered over the edge.

“Ok get down and hide” Mal said and once she was sure Shiyne was safely hidden she pushed her towards the lift, and once she had checked that the coast was clear she pushed the trolley into the lift that Ambor had secured.

As they travelled up to the 14th floor Shiyne had emerged from beneath the bedding, closed her eyes and performed a telepathic scan.

“I’ve got her!” she exclaimed “She’s conscious”

“Is she ok?” Mal asked

“Yes, she’s confused, because she doesn’t know where she is” she said and then she laughed “And she’s angry because she’s tied up”

“But she’s ok?” Asti asked

“Yes” Shiyne assured her

“How many people are with her?” Mal asked, so Shiyne closed her eyes again and a moment later she looked at Mal with her purple eyes wide open and exclaimed, “She’s on her own”

“What?” Asti exclaimed “No guards?”

“None” she confirmed

“What about adjoining rooms?” Ambor asked so Shiyne closed her eyes once more and expanded the scope of her scan.

“Room thirty-six is empty” she said without opening her eyes and then she smiled “thirty-two is occupied but so are the couple in the bed”

“We couldn’t be that lucky, could we?” Malena said

“I’ll take all the luck we can get” Asti retorted

“Me too” agreed Shiyne

“Ok then get going before they get back” Ambor urged


The plan was for Malena, as a Melmanc, to push Shiyne in the trolley to room 34, as no one would give a second thought to a Melmanc moving laundry, and once there they would gain entry either by, ruse, Shiynes telepathic ability, or failing that brute force, hopefully with the abductors being absent, gaining entry would be simple.

Once inside they would get Merri into the trolley and return the way they came.

So as soon as the lift doors opened Shiyne hid under a sheet again and Malena pushed the trolley out and then along the corridor and left Ambor and Asti to secure the lift for their escape.


Unfortunately, the low numbers were nearest the lift, so they had to trundle the laundry cart some distance before they reached room 34 and Malena was relieved when they got there, but that was only half the job, she would have two in the trolley for the return journey.

She stopped the trolley and whispered to Shiyne

“Is it still all clear?”

And a moment later Shiyne’s muffled voice replied

“Yes, all clear”

So, using a tool Lyris had given her, she punched out the lock and the door flew open.

A few moments later she had pushed the trolley into the room safely away from prying eyes.

“We’re in” Malena said and closed the door as Shiyne sprang out from her hiding place from beneath the bedsheets, then they both drew their weapons, Shiyne checked the bathroom and then they went deeper into the room, but the sitting room was empty, so they proceeded into the bedroom and found Merri laying bound and gagged on the bed, in a state of agitation.

“It’s ok Merri we’ll soon have you out of here” Mal said and quickly loosened her gag

“What’s happened, where am I?” she asked

“You were abducted” Shiyne replied as she began untying her feet

“Why? I’m on holiday” she retorted indignantly

“It wasn’t you they were after” Mal replied and freed her hands

“That should make me feel better, but it doesn’t” Merri snapped but then the penny dropped

“Oh God is Dwyn ok?”

“Yes, she’s fine, we’ve got her on the Tornado” Mal replied

“Thank God” Merri exclaimed and then the three friends hugged.


I Love Sci-Fi , but not all of it To give you a clue, I will just say That I’m in my element when I Boldly go to a galaxy far far away