Thursday, 18 February 2021

The Tornado Sojourns (2) – Chapter 12 – The Blue Horizon


After being detained and searched on Linden by the Legion Merri sat in the pilot seat and nodded to co-pilot Malena who used the Tornado’s four vertical take-off jumper engines to lift the Tempest class freighter off the surface and a few minutes later they were back in space and on the way to Zenden.

“Ok let the fugitives out of the priest hole” Merri said, and Malena got up and said

“Ok, can you get Pulsat to meet me there?”


The Tornado was late getting to do the delivery on Zenden after their encounter with the Legion so as a result they were not waiting on the airfield outside Odekka when the Skeet brothers returned from the Algarvian Monastery in the Achrem Mountains.

So, after they left Zenden they made haste to get to Achrem when Lyris contacted the ship to find out where they had gotten to.

“Odekka station calling Freighter Tornado, Odekka station calling Freighter Tornado”

“Tornado receiving, go ahead Odekka” Merri responded

“I have two crew members requesting ETA” Vinid Cupra said


After speaking to Merri aboard the Tornado, he relayed that all she would say was that they had been delayed, so they would be late picking them up, but they were on their way, so the Skeets had some time to kill.

“It would appear we have time for a drink” Lyris said


Vinid, Lyris and Zerrad had flown Spider Hawk Fighters against the Legion in the Shaxson rebellion and it was the first time they had seen each other for many years so they were keen to catch up.

But Vin didn’t get off duty for another two hours, so they agreed to meet at the Blue Horizon bar when he was done.


The Blue Horizon was owned by Vinid’s friend, Lak Shmi, who a couple of months earlier had opened the door to illegal gambling and its associated criminality and now couldn’t get rid of it.

It began when he was approached by a respectable looking Lakmean trader who said he wanted to run a “friendly” game of cards and would Lak mind if they used a quiet corner of the bar once a week, and he agreed on the basis that there would be a few Dinaris in it for him.


Lyris and Zerrad walked through the double doors into the large open bar area.

Directly ahead of them was a large horseshoe shaped bar, and surrounding it was the main seating area.

As they walked further into the bar, they could see a raised area, to the left, which was surrounded by chest high ornate panelling and the area within was divided into cubicle like booths, which was presumably the eating area, at least under normal circumstances.

He could see that if there was illegal gambling on the premises that would be the best place for it.

He could see at the far end of the eating area what looked like large glass doors, which they presumed would have led out to the gardens, which would be a good escape route if the need arose.

As they approached the bar Lyris glanced casually around the rest of the bar and was struck by the presence of an unusually large selection of electronic gambling machines.

As they were new to the Eikon Cluster they had become familiar enough with the neighbourhood petty crooks and thugs but Lyris and Zerrad recognized the types among the faces in the busy bar, petty criminals mainly and two of the crowd stood out as more senior members of the criminal fraternity.

They reached the bar and waited until they caught the eye of the barman who walked casually to where they were standing and stared without speaking.

He was of medium height and of muscular build and he was of rough and un-welcoming appearance, he was heavily tattooed and shaven headed with multiple piercings and the kind of face you would never tire of slapping and judging by the scars he wore, it looked like it had been.

“Ale” Lyris said and held up two fingers “two”

The barman slowly broke his gaze and responded to the request.

Meanwhile Zerrad looked around and saw someone of a much different calibre, who had the familiar Ivory complexion of a Gouveian, and judging by how everyone else was behaving he was clearly the brains of the outfit.

Sitting with him was undoubtedly the man Vinid had described to him, the Lakmean trader, AaHannaa.

“Nine Dinaris” The barman said banging the Ales down on the counter so hard that they slopped over the sides.

Lyris stared him straight in the eye and dropped a handful of coins on the counter so they rolled in every direction.

“Keep the change”

He only averted his gaze after the barman had picked all the coins up and walked away, cursing under his breath.

“He’s an ignorant bastard that one” a voice said behind them and they turned to see the voice belonged to a monster of a man.

The Skeets weren’t small men by any means but they both had to look up at the man who was built like a brick out house.

Judging by his well-tanned skin, un-manicured rough calloused hands, and grubby clothes he earned his living doing manual work.

“He’s a real charmer that’s for sure” Lyris said

“I haven’t seen you two in here before” the man said

“No first time” Zerrad responded

“Just killing time while we’re waiting for our transport”

“So, you’re off worlders then?” he said

“Yes, we’re crew on a freighter” Lyris said “But Odekka is going to be one of our regular jobs”

“Well welcome to the Blue Horizon” he said

“Thanks” Zerrad responded “Can I get you a drink” 

“No thanks” he said draining his glass “I’m off to work, night shift”

“Oh well see you again sometime” Lyris said

“Don’t stick around here too late” he said leaning towards Lyris “A bit of a rough crowd get in here late on” He nodded towards the booths.

“Thanks for the tip” Zerrad said


About an hour later Vinid arrived at the Blue Horizon and joined them at the bar and when they had fresh drinks they sat in a corner and chatted in hushed tones.

“So is that the Lakmean trader” Lyris said gesturing towards the booths

“Yes, that’s AaHannaa” Vinid replied

“And who is the Gouveian with him?” Zerrad asked

“That’s the boss, Kurla Babic” said Vin “He’s the one pulling all the strings and raking in the spoils”

“I thought so” Zerrad said

“But you know the thing that rankles with me about him the most?” Vin asked


“He’s got his own Spider Hawk”

Spider Hawks were the ships that the three of them flew against the Legion in the Shaxson Rebellion

“Has he” Lyris mused

“What a bastard” Zerrad added

After that they spent the next hour talking about the old days and then the place was just starting to get rowdy when Zerrad’s comms buzzed and the Skeets said their goodbyes and headed back to the field in the Stroller.


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