“Invasion of the Body Snatchers” is a Sci-Fi Horror, screenplay written by Daniel Mainwaring from the Collier's magazine serial by Jack Finney and Directed by Don Siegel.
After a short time away, small-town
doctor Miles J. Bennell (Kevin McCarthy) returns to his practice
to find several of his patients suffering from what appears to be some kind of paranoid
delusion because they believe their
friends or relatives are doppelgangers.
As a man of science, he
is initially sceptical because the duplicates are able to answer detailed
questions about their copies’ lives.
But he
is ultimately convinced that something sinister has occurred and determines to
find out what is causing this phenomenon and why the people of his community are being replaced by emotionless alien replicas.
Dana Wynter, Larry Gates, King
Donovan and Carolyn Jones also star in this Sci-Fi classic.
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