“Invasion of the Body Snatchers” is a Sci-Fi Horror, screenplay written by W.D. Richter from the novel by Jack Finney and Directed by Philip Kaufman.
When strange seeds drift to
earth from space on the city of San Fransisco Matthew Bennell
(Donald Sutherland) finds that
several of his friends appear to be suffering some kind of paranoid delusion as
they believe their
friends or loved ones are doppelgangers.
The whole thing seems unlikely as the duplicates are
able to answer detailed questions about their lives and then when their
accusers questioned later, they themselves seem changed and laugh off their
previous accusations with lame excuses.
However, after discovering mysterious
pods growing and witnessing an attempted “replacement” he realises
that he and his friends, Elizabeth Driscoll (Brooke
Adams), Jack Bellicec (Jeff Goldblum), Nancy Bellicec (Veronica Cartwright)
and Dr. David Kibner (Leonard
Nimoy) must escape or suffer the same fate as the invaders
increase in number.
The only problem is they don’t know for sure who has
already been snatched, so they don’t know who they can trust.
A credible remake of the 1956 original which gives
cameo to Kevin McCarthy and Don
Siegel, but if that’s not enough of a reason to watch it then its worth
watching just for the scene with Brooke Adams and her eyeball trick.
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