Tuesday, 5 October 2021

The Tornado Sojourns (5) – Chapter 5 – All Square


After dropping Coll at his house Lyris and Zerrad Skeet found themselves a comfortable hotel on the classier side of town.

They spent much of the next day mooching about Ditton doing not very much at all, and later in the day they sat in a restaurant and over a meal discussed what to do next about Coll.

“He’s definitely hiding something” Lyris said

“I agree, but we don’t know if that’s a murder or not” his brother responded

“Well I think there’s one sure way to find out and that’s to go and ask him” Lyris added

“Ok let’s go and see him now” Zerrad said


It was quite late when they pulled up in Coll’s neighbourhood, and everything was quiet, so they parked in the first available space, it was only as they walked along the alley that they noticed the front door was ajar.

The Skeets drew their weapons and Lyris pushed the door open slowly and stepped inside the dark hallway.

“Coll!” he called


Coll Musak heard the call just as he aimed the Pulsar Laser at Knarf, who, on seeing Coll momentarily distracted took his chance and sprang up off the sofa and launched himself at him, then he fired the fully charged Pulsar Laser, and the bolt hit Knarf squarely in the chest throwing him back onto the flexible alloy covered sofa, but because the Laser was discharged at such short range the Laser bolt went straight through the Adnarian before continuing its flight, and hitting the wall by the door just as Lyris opened the door. 


Lyris burst into the room and heard something hit the wall about twelve inches from his head, he wasn’t sure what it was until he saw the Pulsar Laser in Coll’s hand, then he looked at the scorched hole in the plaster and said

“That was too close for comfort”

He tried to put the fact that he had narrowly missed being killed from his mind and quickly surveyed the scene, a motionless body, the flexible alloy sheet, a Gold Watch on the table and a Pulsar Laser.

However, while he was surveying the scene his brother pushed past him and took the weapon from Coll who relinquished it without argument then he checked the motionless body for signs of life, before he turned and said.

“He’s dead”

“Good” Coll retorted

“What the hell happened Coll what’s going on here?”

“I set a trap for him, ambushed him if you like,” He pointed at the faux Gold Watch

“I lured him here with that and then executed him”


Lyris sat down on the vacant chair and Zerrad sat on the arm of the sofa and looked at the corpse, while Coll filled them in on the events of that evening and the previous months which lead up to it.

He told them everything, seeing Knarf leaving Sonda’s house, the call to the Prefecture, the lying, the intimidation, the vandalism and the brain tumour, right up to the point when the Skeets entered the room.

“You can call the prefects now” Coll stated.

Lyris sat in the arm chair with his head back and his eyes closed and said nothing.

“Lyris you must”

“I’m not going to call anyone” Lyris replied leaning forward.

“But I killed him, you know I did” Coll said

“We’re not calling the Prefects” Zerrad confirmed

“But you have to, I killed him, and I’m prepared to take my punishment” Coll said

“If they arrest you for murder you will spend your last days in prison awaiting trial” Lyris said

“And you don’t deserve that”

“I don’t want you two throwing your lives away to save me” Coll said

“We wouldn’t have lives if it hadn’t been for you” Zerrad said “So what’s our next move Ly?”

“We need the Spider Hawk” Lyris replied and then to Coll he asked

“Is your Runabout driveable?”

“Yes, I just keep it in the lockup to stop it being vandalised” he replied

“Ok we’ll sort things here, while you return the Runabout and get the shuttle to Rendon, pick up the Spider Hawk and the meet us….” He paused as he consulted an electronic map “This old derelict quarry workings”

“Ok I’m on my way” Zerrad said “Rendezvous in 5 hours”


The first hour following Zerrad’s departure passed largely in silence, as Lyris and Coll wrapped the corpse in the flexible alloy sheet which they then carried out to Coll’s lockup, fortunately it was possible to access it from his back yard reducing the risk of being seen, and they managed to get to the garage unnoticed.

Once in the garage they put the body in the back, then paused for breath.

“What now?” Coll asked breathing heavily.

“Go back to the house and get all your belongings together, you won’t be coming back to Ditton again” he replied


It only took Coll about half an hour to throw what he wanted to take into a couple of bags, and another twenty to gather together his most precious belongings into a third.

The three bags were loaded into the Runabout and then Lyris went back to the house to make sure there were no signs of foul play and then he turned out the light and closed the back door and joined Coll in the lockup.

“Ok let’s go” he said

A thick fog had descended which was something of a blessing and a curse, a blessing as it was good cover if you were up to no good but a curse when the people you’re rendezvousing with are unable to see the ground.

So they drove carefully away from Coll’s house, away from his neighbourhood, through the industrial district and beyond to the old derelict quarry workings.


They drove off the main road and followed the rough track that lead towards the quarry and continued on round to the back of the abandoned buildings, to a spot that couldn’t be seen from the main road and pulled up in a cancelled spot some fifty yards from where the Spider Hawk could land.

They had about an hour to wait before Zerrad was due and Lyris was relieved to see that the fog was thinning as a light breeze began to blow.


It was half an hour beyond the agreed time for the Rendezvous and Lyris was beginning to get concerned but then the comms crackled into life

“Spider Hawk calling Chic’s, come in Chic’s” Zerrad said

“Chic’s receiving Zer, loud and clear” Lyris replied

“Visibility poor, can you give me a target” Zerrad asked

“Received Zer, look for my lights” he replied and turned the Runabout lights on full”

“I have visual, coming down”


The Spider Hawk landed and Lyris drove the Runabout closer to reduce the distance they would need to carry the body. 

They got Coll and his bags aboard first and then opened the boot and transferred the body into the Spider Hawks hold.

Finally, once Zerrad was at the controls Lyris set the timer on a burner and tossed it in to Coll’s Runabout.

A burner was an incendiary device with a time delay which would give them time to get airborne before it went off, so Lyris got in the Spider Hawk and Zerrad took off.

They hovered just above the quarry until the burner ignited and once the Runabout was well ablaze they sped off at speed directly towards space, and as soon as they left Eikon Majors atmosphere Zerrad slowed down.

“Shall we let him go here?” he asked

“It’s as good a place as any” Lyris said and remotely opened the hold, and they watched as the alloy covered bundle tumbled through the outer atmosphere and burned up as it went.

“Good riddance” Coll said


There was real relief in Coll’s face as they left Eikon Major, even though he had no notion where he was going.

For the Skeets it was a no brainer, like all the Tornado’s lame ducks, like Duff Tarver and Ambor Etra, they took him to Montrose, but unlike Duff and Ambor there would be no recovery, but he would be able to end his days in peace and dignity among friends new and old, and attended by the Tornado’s healer, Terrell Vorton.


Coll Musak’s passing coincided with Ambor Etra’s recovery from her Pulsar wound and the Tornado’s readiness to resume its duties for Golbolt Interstellar, so it was decided Ambor could tag along aboard the Tornado until such time as Ferro Scanner returned from protective duty on Andraxis and Captain Merionwen Strong returned to the Eikon Cluster after her sabbatical.




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