Monday, 28 February 2022

The Tornado Sojourns (2) – Chapter 10 – A Friend in Need


After Oshwin Lemik and the Skeet Brothers spent the evening at his favourite bar reliving past glories and remembering fallen comrades, where a considerable amount of alcohol was consumed, they couldn’t remember how to get back to the ship.

It was Merri, Parse and Pulsat who turned up at the bar to pick up the casualties and when they got back to the Tornado they found Malena and Asti waiting for them wearing stern expressions and bearing unsympathetic dispositions.

But they reserved their wrath, and directed their respective men straight to their quarters, they would feel the sharp edge of their tongues the next morning. 

Although come the next morning admonishments from their lovers paled into insignificance compared to the merciless hangovers they woke up with.

And the fact that as a result of their drunken night out with Oshwin the Tornado was now on the preferred list at Golbolt Interstellar gained them some sympathy.

From that point on, the Tornado got as much work as they wanted and regularly ran between Eikon Major and Minor, Eirkos and its moons, Soman, Rekar and Marikya, and neignbouring planet’s, Achrem and Zenden as well as Zenden’s moon, Linden.


It was on one such trip that the first of a series of events occurred which could either drive them out of the system or secure their future there forever.


The Tornado lifted off and they left Soman early in the morning bound for Zenden, but first they had a delivery on the neighbouring planet Achrem. 

The Tempest Class Freighter was powered by 4 Plasma Turbine Pyroclast Engines, which allowed for a very quick turn of speed once airborne, and four vertical take-off jumper engines whose purpose is self-explanatory, they could also be used independently to provide auxiliary power on board while they were on the surface for periods when the solar converters were inadequate.

It wasn’t a huge ship as freighters go but pound for pound the Tempests had the highest freight to fuel ratio yield of their class.

The front section comprised of a sizable pressurized hold for large freight accessed via a front loading ramp, above which was the flight deck, living and sleeping quarters, mess facilities and bath rooms, at the rear was the main propulsion and amidships were the universal pod bays, which allowed for a mixed cargo option, which allowed for quick inspection and loading, although sometimes pods were sealed which meant it was either very valuable or very illegal, either way Merri didn’t mind and transporting sealed cargo paid much much better.

The Tornado always flew with at least one pod but then that was because it was where they stowed their gear and where the hidden compartments could be found, or not, which was where they hid the contraband, or even fugitives when necessary. 


Merri entered the atmosphere of Achrem with her piloting and Shiyne in the co-pilot seat and she used the Tornado’s four vertical take-off jumper engines and landed softly on the landing field outside the town of Odekka and there were already several other ships, of all shapes and sizes, parked on the field.


When the freighters ramp lowered Zerrad and Malena walked down it holding hands followed by Lyris driving the Tornado’s APMTV, (All Purpose Multi Terrain Vehicle), nicknamed the “Stroller”.

The moment it came to a halt Zerrad kissed Malena and then climbed aboard.

“Behave yourselves” Malena called

“Yes mum” Lyris replied


After watching the Stroller drive away Malena sighed and then ran up the ramp, once inside she hit the button and the ramp closed behind her then she opened comms to the flight deck.

“Good to go Captain”

“Ok, stand by” Merri said from the left seat and co-pilot Shiyne monitored the instruments the Tornado’s four vertical take-off jumper engines were engaged and the Tempest Class freighter lifted off.


The reason the Tornado took off and left the Skeets behind was that Achrem had a very mountainous terrain and as one of their deliveries was to a remote and ancient mountain monastery housing an order of Algarvian Monks, and because there was nowhere to land the Tornado it could only be reached by road so the delivery had to be made in the Stroller.


It was a four-hour journey up to the monastery and once they got there and made the delivery they planned to spend a couple of hours with the monks before they made the three-hour drive back to Odekka.

However, when they reached the monastery they found the seven-foot-tall green fleshed brotherhood of Algarvian Monks were a silent order and in addition to being uncommunicative they were also inhospitable, so after the drop the headed back down the mountain again.


They arrived back at the landing field outside Odekka eight hours after the Stroller drove down the Tornado’s ramp to find that the ship wasn’t there.

After dropping them off on Achrem, Merri and the rest of the crew continued on to make the short run to neighbouring Zenden, which was a simple drop off, so they should have been back in Odekka at least an hour before them but there was no sign of them.

“Unbelievable” Lyris said “how did this happen?”

Having failed to get anything to eat up at the Monastery he and his brother had spent the return journey talking about what delights Bagg may have waiting on the ship for them.

The Tornado’s crew were fortunate enough to have Visitor Parham on board,

Visitors were a Christian sect who took to the stars with the first migrants to visit new worlds, spreading the word while seeking enlightenment, and they had established Visitor enclaves in every corner of the known universe, they even thrived in Mehreen space and they were the least spiritual beings to ever draw breath.

The difference between Visitors and the established Christian Church on earth was its spontaneity, they didn’t wait until Sunday to worship, they did it wherever and whenever it was desired and it didn’t need to happen in a church, Visitors worshipped everywhere.

But he was not merely a man of the cloth who tended to their spiritual needs because his alter ego Bagg fortified them with his culinary prowess.


“I was really looking forward to some of Bagg’s pancakes” Said Zerrad

“Me too” Lyris agreed “Let’s go to the comms hut and find out where they are”

They had a radio onboard the Stroller but it wasn’t powerful enough to reach into space and the mountainous terrain didn’t help so in order to make the range they needed the benefit of Odekka’s long range transmitter.

After pulling up outside the comms shack the brothers disembarked and walked inside and were surprised to see Vinid Cupra sitting by the transmitter.

“I don’t believe it, is there anyone in the Eikon cluster who didn’t fight with the Shaxson rebels?” Lyris said

“My God it’s the Skeets” Vinid exclaimed and crossed the floor to embrace both men.

“Nothing to do Cupra?” barked a short scar faced middle-aged man with no neck 

“Yes sir” Vinid replied need to

“Then get on with it” he said and headed towards the door.

“What can I do for you gentlemen?” Vinid asked

“We need to contact our ship” Zerrad said

“No problem” Vin said and then his boss opened the door and left.


Vinid contacted the ship on their behalf and after speaking to Merri aboard the Tornado, he relayed that all she would say was that they had been delayed, so they would be late picking them up but they were on their way, so the Skeets had some time to kill.


“It would appear we have time for a drink” Lyris said

“You know what happened the last time we went drinking with an old war buddy?” Zerrad pointed out

“I’m not off duty for another two hours but I’ll meet you at the Blue Horizon when I’m done”

“Where’s that?”

“Turn left when you reach the main road and its half a mile down the road on the right” Vinid replied

“Is it ok?” Lyris asked

“It used to be great” he replied, “Now it’s just the nearest”

“Why, what happened?” Zerrad asked

“Well the bar is owned by a mate, Lak Shmi” he began.

“A couple of months ago he was approached by a respectable looking Lakmean trader who said he wanted to run a “friendly” game of cards and would Lak mind if they used a quiet corner of the bar once a week, and he said there would be a few Dinaris in it for him”

Lyris gave Zerrad a knowing look and Zer raised his eye brows.

“I know, I know it was stupid, but he agreed. He thought it might bring in a bit more trade, he’s been struggling a bit, so he thought it was harmless enough”

“But it hasn’t worked out that way?” Suggested Lyris

“No, they’re playing seven nights a week and they’ve taken over the place, driven all the regular trade away and they even bring their own booze and now Lak can’t get rid of them”

“Has he reported it to the police?” Asked Zerrad

“No, he was threatened and warned that it would not be in his best interests to rock the boat” Vin replied

“Does this Lakmean have a name?” Lyris asked

“Yes, AaHannaa” Vinid answered “Have you ever come across him?”

“No, but the scam is familiar” Lyris said “And always ends with the bar under new ownership”

“Any thoughts on how he can get out from under?” Vin asked as he noticed his boss climbing back up the stairs.

“I’ve no idea” he replied, “Ask me again when I’ve had something to eat”

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