Tuesday, 5 April 2022

The Tornado Sojourns (3) – Chapter 07 – Duff Tarver


The moment that Supreme Commander Emad Salmin handed over the data tablet they knew precisely who to hand it on to, and who should hand it to him.

Duff Tarver was primarily a raconteur, his office was a bar or tavern and his audience were his fellow patrons.

But he didn’t merely tell stories he also collected them from his loose tongued admirers, and he always got stories of worth.

He was a freelance journalist who sold his work to whichever media outlet fitted the bill and he distributed his copy across the known systems of Legion space, and he made a steady living, not enough to move up in the world, but he did ok.

He was a heavy drinking, down to earth man in his early fifties with a long-suffering wife, Chani, who managed to bring up their three children virtually single handed.

With Duff the phrase, “what you see is what you get”, fitted him like a glove.

He was a popular man, despite all his faults, as it was very difficult not to like him, even if he could drive you to despair.

Due to his heavy drinking he often needed assistance to get home but because people liked him so much he was never short of a chauffeur.

Most literary types have a favorite quote, from one of the classic novels or from a Shakespearian play but his favorite was

“If I ever read about the dangers of drinking then I’ll give up reading”

Bagg had known Duff, since they were both young men, before he began his vocational training.

They met on Mars, where Bagg was born and raised, and Duff had worked his passage on a freighter from his home planet of Earth Secondus, in the Overtonis system.

They hit it off immediately and became firm friends in the few months before Bagg had to leave for Visitor College.

But over the years they had been reacquainted on many occasions, and rarely in the same system twice, but because they both lead nomadic existences eight years had passed before they met again quite by chance in the Visitors Rest in Gipki.

It wasn’t the usual type of drinking establishment he would normally frequent, but he had felt compelled to go in and when he saw Bagg seated in one corner he fully understood why.


The home that he shared with his wife Chani and their three children was in the City of Rendon on Eikon Major.

She and the kids had been dragged around Legion space for years, which for the most part she didn’t mind, but she always insisted that the family live in a big city with all the amenities to hand,

It was important for her that she had access to good schools for the children and good shops that she could afford to shop at.

Living in Rendon was good for him too, firstly because he had peace of mind regarding his family, plus it was the seat of Government for the Eikon Cluster, so called due to the high number of M class planets and moons in the Eikon solar system, and where there was Government there was potential scandal, and people loved scandal, scandal was very profitable.


So with Chani and the kids settled in the capital it allowed Duff to spend his time frequenting bars and taverns picking up titbits, which may or may not lead to some larger morsel.  


The weekend following their meeting with the Commander the whole crew were going to Montrose to spend the Festival with Bagg’s brother and his wife, which held particular significance for Bagg himself as it was to be the weekend he introduced his love, Wisma Berita, to his family for the first time.

So as that was one event he was never going to miss he got a message to Duff and arranged to meet with him in the Blue Horizon Bar in Odekka on Friday Night.


Bagg took Merionwen with him for the meeting, partly because she was a redhead and Duff was partial, but mainly because she was also born on Earth Secundus, and she didn’t often get the chance to meet a fellow native.

Just as a precaution he also had the Skeet brothers stationed close at hand watching the comings and goings.


Duff was indeed happy to see Merri and was equally pleased to meet another Secundian, but after twenty minutes of chitchat he said

“What did you want to see me about?”

“Some information has come into our possession which we think you will know what to do with” Bagg explained “about someone highly placed”

Bagg had Duff’s full attention and stopped drinking,


Bagg and Merri looked at each other and Bagg nodded.

“Neff Amery” she said and Duff’s jaw dropped

Bagg and Merri sat watching him as he processed what they had said, but when the name sank in he asked excitedly

“What’s he done?”

“Well…” Bagg began

“Please tell me its sex?” Duff pleated “Lots of sex”

“Well…” Bagg began again

“Don’t disappoint me after getting my hopes up” he snapped

“The truth is” Merri said “There’s too much for us to tell you”

“Too much?” Duff repeated “Too much to list?”

“That’s why we have this for you” Bagg said and slipped the tablet discreetly into his pocket.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Make what is secret, public, and shine the light of truth onto what hides in the darkness” Bagg said

“Very poetic” Duff said “This is a side to you I’ve never seen before, I like it”


After they finished their drinks they were walking to the door when a roughly dressed man barged into Duff and knocked him sideways and then growled at him for his trouble.

Merri bristled and was about to confront the thug but Bagg held her back and said to Duff

“Check your pockets”

Duff did as Bagg said and then nodded to intimate all was well so they went out the front door where the Skeets had the Stroller waiting for them.

“Come on we’ll drop you by your ship” Lyris said and he climbed aboard.

“Anything suspicious?” Bagg whispered to Zerrad

“No” he replied “no one appeared to look out of place”

“That could just mean they were very good” Bagg mused and got aboard himself


They dropped Duff beside his Corvette and Bagg got out with him and said

“Be careful Duff, he’s a dangerous man”

“Don’t worry old friend, I’ll be cautious” he replied “You know me”

“That’s what I’m worried about” Bagg said and the two men embraced

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