Saturday, 7 May 2022

The Tornado Sojourns (4) – Chapter 16 – Rendezvous


The Corvette carried much more armour so the Pulsar Lasers wouldn’t be as effective even with concentrated fire and knowing the Tornado had a rear facing Plasma Cannon they were never going attack from behind so there was no surprise on the flight deck when the Corvette turned onto an attack vector that would bring them nose to nose.


As the distance between them shortened both vessels opened fire and every shot from the Corvette hit home hard, but the concentrated fire from the twin Pulsar Lasers seemed to have little or no effect

“This doesn’t look good” Merri said as the Taipan Corvette bore down on them maintaining their steady pattern of firing.

“She’s a touch old ship” Lyris said as another cannon blast hit home and smoke began to emanate from one of the wall panel.

Asti moved quickly to deal with the fire so missed the moment that the Corvette shuddered and appeared to move sideways, seconds before it exploded into atoms.

“Help has arrived” Ferro Scanner said proudly 

“Thank God” Merri said “But we still have work to do, Mal you take the left seat, Lyris and Zerrad check for damage”

“On our way” Lyris said

“Asti, right seat, do a roll call make sure no one is hurt”

“Consider it done” Asti retorted

“What do you want me to do?” Ferro asked

“You’d better standby for when our saviors make contact” Merri replied and almost the moment she finished speaking Malena said

“We’re being hailed”

“Right on cue” Merri said, “put it on speaker!”

“Tornado, this is Captain Monat of the Andraxian Dreadnaught Hyperion”

“Hello Hyperion, Captain Strong of the Tornado responding, Thank you for the assistance”

“I’m only sorry we cut it so close, is your vessel sound?”

“It appears to be so, yes, we’re still checking the damage though”

“Let me know if the situation changes and in the meantime follow astern of us and we’ll escort you to the rendezvous

“Thank you, Captain,” Merri said


Once they had fallen in line behind the Hyperion Merri left the flight deck and went down to the sickbay.

“Everything alright down here? Is Ambor ready to be transferred to the Frigate?” Merri asked

“Well she’s stable but I’m not comfortable with her travelling long spells in Hyperspace, I don’t think she’s strong enough” Terrell explained

“Then we’ll take her to Montrose where she can recover safely”

Merri suggested

“I’d be much happier with that” Terrell said

“You could go with her Ferro”

“I can’t, I have to go with Dwyn to Andraxis”

“In that case you need to tell her how you feel before you go” Terrell said

“What do you mean?” Ferro said

“He means tell Ambor that you love her before you go” Merri said “You’ll regret it if you don’t”

“How did you two know?”

“It’s wasn’t difficult, you haven’t let her out of your sight since she was shot” Merri explained


When they reached the rendezvous point Malena brought the Tornado to a halt above the Frigate she reported to Merri and the Captain immediately called a crew meeting in the mess room.


“As you all know” she began “Ambor isn’t well enough to travel back to Andraxis, so she will be convalescing with the good people of Montrose and shortly Dwyn and Ferro are transferring to the Frigate, but what most of you don’t know is that I’m going too”

“What?” they all chorused with the exception of Parse, Malena and Shiyne who she had already told.

“I’ll only be gone for six months and Malena will be acting Captain in my absence” she said


After all the goodbyes were said Lyris brought the engines online and with him piloting and his brother Zerrad in the co-pilot seat, he used the Tornado’s four vertical take-off jumper engines to manoeuvre the Tornado towards the Frigate.

There were two docking rings on the Tornado to facilitate transfers to and from the freighter while in space, one in the belly below the loading bay and the other was amidships above the cargo bays which was also the mooring point for shuttles or ancillary craft, such as the Tornados Spider Hawk.

He killed the engines and was using the thrusters to hold the ship steady and maneuvered into position then he landed softly and docked with the Frigate using the ships belly docking ring.

Once the docking was complete and sealed, Merri, Dwyn and Ferro climbed through the docking ring into the ship below.


After watching the Andraxian Frigate burn its main thruster and head into the distance Malena sighed and then took her place in the pilot’s chair and Shiyne said from the copilot’s seat

“Good to go Captain”

“Ok, set a course for Eirkos number one” Mal said

“Oh, I like the sound of that” Shiyne said

“Don’t get too used to it I’ll want my job back when Merri returns” Mal said

“I can live with that” she replied “Course locked in Captain”

So, with Malena in the left seat and co-pilot Shiyne monitoring the instruments the Tornado’s 4 Plasma Turbine Pyroclast Engines were engaged and the Tempest Class freighter headed for Eirkos as their Captain and friend headed in the opposite direction.


When they got back in the Eikon Cluster proper, the Skeet Brothers took off in the Spider Hawk from the upper docking ring bound for Eikon Major where they would collect all their personal belongings from their rooms and settle their accounts while the Tornado headed for Eirkos to be reunited with their other crewmates who had spent their holiday at the agrarian settlement of Montrose, and although they were looking forward to seeing them again, they were dreading revealing the extent of the damage the Tornado had sustained to their engineers Pulsat and Vanzyl.  


After engaging the Tornado’s four vertical take-off jumper engines the Tempest class freighter landed softly on the apron at Cranack and when the freighters ramp lowered the Tornado’s APMTV, (All Purpose Multi Terrain Vehicle), nicknamed the “Stroller”, followed on foot by Asti,

The name Stroller was an ironic one because when Shiyne or Merri were behind the wheel it did anything but stroll, the moment it came to a halt Asti paused before remotely closing the ramp and then climbed aboard, and as the Stroller pulled away

Malena looked long and hard at the blackened scars on the Tornado and said

“Let’s go and give Pulsat and Vanzyl the bad news”

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